Putin-ally Russian billionaire building controversial condominium in Budapest

The Constitutional Court dismissed the complaint of the Municipality of the 13th district of the Hungarian capital without any serious examination. Against the will of the district, a huge condominium is being built on the area bounded by NĂ©pfĂ¼rdÅ‘ street, DagĂ¡ly street, Jakab JĂ³zsef street and Bodor street in Angyalföld. The investor is a billionaire businessman close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Putin’s friend’s mega investment comes to Budapest

In Budapest, a huge residential complex is being built in Angyalföld, 13th district. One year ago, the municipality of Angyalföld filed a complaint against the development of the area between NĂ©pfĂ¼rdÅ‘, DagĂ¡ly, Jakab JĂ³zsef and Bodor streets.

A sports hall would be built on one half of the site, and a huge apartment building on the other. The concept plan presented was considered too big and out of harmony with its surroundings by the district planning council, which did not support it, hvg.hu reports.

According to the legislation in force, the project could not have been realised, but the Hungarian government has classified it as an investment of major national economic importance. The rejection of the district is therefore not an obstacle.

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The Constitutional Court ruled

The case was referred to the Constitutional Court for a ruling. However, the Constitutional Court has ruled that it is not a fundamental question of constitutionality that the area is being built on against the will of the municipality. They rejected the complaint.

One of the owners of the investment company is the son of Megdet Rahimkulov, a Russian billionaire businessman close to President Vladimir Putin. According to the government agency, the project has no significant environmental impact and was therefore exempted from the environmental impact assessment, 444.hu reports.

The district council, on the other hand, believes that the huge building will have a negative impact on the microclimate of the area. It increases the density, reduces the green area and increases the height of the ledges.

The Constitutional Court, chaired by LĂ¡szlĂ³ Salamon, considered the harms as “hypothetical future potential harms that have not yet occurred, at the level of generality”.

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Source: hvg.hu, 444.hu


  1. Because Putin told him to. No one for a moment can think Orban and his government runs this country.

    We’re owned by Russia and do what the Kremlin tells us to.

  2. @anonymous – unfortunately the Kremlin does not even have to tell our Politicians – they know the brief by heart … and are happy to act accordingly, “in the interest of the Hungarian People” … #turkeysvotingforchristmas

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