Number of bomb threats increasing rapidly in Hungary, even an 11-year-old boy was arrested: Putin testing Hungary?

The number of bomb threats sent to Hungarian schools is rapidly growing. In Sajószentpéter, an 11-year-old student did not want to go to school to write a Maths test, so he sent bomb threats. A 14-year-old Hungarian boy sent similar e-mails to high schools in Hódmezővásárhely and Szeged. In another case, a 43-year-old Hungarian man threatened embassies. Those were isolated cases, but Telex argues that the bomb threat wave concerning NATO and EU member countries started last spring is part of the Russian hybrid warfare and aims to destabilise members of the Western alliance, causing panic and testing authorities.
Young boys threatening their schools: is this a new trend?
We wrote before about the bomb threats almost 300 Hungarian schools received from an unidentified e-mail sender. The result was that all schools had to be evacuated, parents had to rush to schools for their children, and it took police officers a lot of time to examine the schools concerned. PM Orbán promised a quick investigation but later admitted that finding the perpetrator would be difficult.

The number of bomb threats has been growing lately in Hungary. Based on, an 11-year-old student in Sajószentpéter sent a bomb threat to his school because he did not want to write a Maths test. He sent two emails, saying that no students should show up in the school on 23 January because a bomb would explode. Police officers examined the entire school twice due to the threats but found nothing. Later, they could identify the sender and found the draft emails on his phone. The boy admitted his deed and said he did not want to write a test on 23 January.
Police wrote about another student who sent bomb threats to two high schools in Hódmezővásárhely and Szeged. He called the police to evacuate all schools. After learning about the threats, 30 officers started to examine all rooms in the four schools. Thankfully, they found nothing. By the fourth day following the reception of the threats, they could identify the perpetrator: a 14-year-old local boy who also admitted his deed. He said he did not want to go to school the other day. Police took him into custody for threat of public endangerment.

Embassies threatened
Police wrote about another similar issue yesterday: a 43-year-old Hungarian national under psychiatric treatment sent bomb threats to 12 embassies between 11 and 28 January. The senders were e-mail addresses and Facebook profiles created using pseudonyms. Police officers arrested the perpetrator, who is a graduated lawyer and had undergone psychiatric treatment three times before. Interestingly, he denies all charges despite the undeniable evidence.
Russia behind the large-scale bomb threats?
According to Telex, there is a pattern behind the bomb threats concerning schools, malls, courts, etc. that started last spring. They argue that the perpetrators are professionals, they have no connections with the jihadists despite referring to Allah in their threats, they did not place any bombs, and authorities take all actions seriously.

The Hungarian news outlet wrote that Russia orchestrated the bomb threat wave, and Putin aims to destabilise NATO and EU members, create chaos and test the authorities. They say the Russian state outsources such operations and tries to compromise Ukraine. However, it is not in Kyiv’s interest to destabilise European countries, which support them in their fight against the invaders. Telex believes what Hungary experienced last Thursday amid the mass bomb threats was part of Russia’s hybrid warfare scheme.
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The Russian hybrid war scheme in this case specifically ties into the Fidesz anti-migrant propaganda campaign against the EU. The “jihadist” bomb scares enables Fidesz to say that they are the fault of “Brussels” for allowing Muslim migrants into Europe. Such Fidesz comments have already been made. Russia wants to create division in Europe and weaken EU and NATO cohesion.
Oh boy. This John Woods must be deported to his degenerate country of origin. He is posting fake news again. Off course, everything bad happening is because of Putin. There is no proof at all about it. No authorities said nothing like this. Only in this pathetic website they can write such nonsense. Woods, go HOME