Radical right-wing party proposes sending migrants to Africa

The radical Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland) party firmly rejects the EU’s migrant distribution quota plan and proposes sending migrants “forced onto Hungary” to Africa, the leader of the party said on Monday.

The quotas, if introduced, would be “the same as opening up” the EU’s borders and would “not keep migrants in the country designated for them,” László Toroczkai told a press conference.

He proposed following the UK-Rwanda relocation agreement as a model under which illegal migrants were to be sent to the African country, adding that realisation of the pact had been thwarted by a panel of judges “never elected democratically by anyone”.

Toroczkai said sending migrants to Africa would cost Hungary a lot less than paying under the quota scheme 20,000 euros for each migrant refused to be hosted.

“With such a solution an inflow of migrants to Hungary could also be prevented because people smugglers would choose other routes,” he said.

As we wrote before, the European Union has proposed distributing migrants among member states on a mandatory basis, and this would result in illegal migrants and the human traffickers who smuggle them into Europe deciding who gets to live in Europe, an interior ministry official has said.

Source: MTI


  1. Toroczkai is right! The globalist and liberal left EU will not stop doing anything to change every European country in their multicultural utopia.

    As Dutch socialist Mr Timmermans (EU) said years ago, “every country must become multicultural”

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