Orbán cabinet recommends Russian-developed code generator for Hungarian citizens’ data protection – UPDATED

Hungarian government has introduced the Client Gate+ (Ügyfélkapu+) system and the Digital Citizenship Programme (DCP) mobile app yesterday, replacing the older and less secure Client Gate (Ügyfélkapu) system. While these updates are designed to enhance digital identification security, the government’s recommendation of a Russian-developed one-time code generator has raised some eyebrows, particularly given the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and tensions between NATO and Russia. UPDATE: the Russian code disappeared from the website. Please, scroll down for the latest updates.
A new, more secure Client Gate
As we summed up in THIS article, the previous Client Gate (Ügyfélkapu) system was plagued by weaknesses, notably its reliance on basic username and password credentials. The Orbán cabinet’s replacement, Client Gate+, integrates one-time codes generated via apps or desktop programmes alongside the traditional login methods. This dual-factor authentication aims to bolster data security, particularly for users without smartphones or tablets.
The Hungarian government recommends three authenticator apps for Android users (NISZ Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator) and two for iOS users (NISZ Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator). For desktop users, TOTP.APP and Verifyr are suggested alternatives.

Russian-developed code generator raises questions
One of these desktop solutions, TOTP.APP, has come under scrutiny. According to Telex, the programme includes a Russian-developed code in its background operations, with the code originating from the Russian company Yadro and linked to the domain counter.yadro.ru. While counters like these are commonly used to measure website traffic, the recommendation of a Russian-developed programme by Hungary—a NATO member—has raised eyebrows amidst geopolitical tensions.
Thorough investigation needed
A cybersecurity expert, speaking to Telex, stated that without a comprehensive analysis, it is impossible to determine whether the app poses a threat to Hungarian users. However, he criticised the government for recommending a Russian-developed code generator to its citizens. Upon examining the website’s archives via the Wayback Machine, he discovered that, until 2018, the site was available exclusively in Russian. Furthermore, in 2018, the app
Notably, the website lacks any data protection notices, leaving users in the dark about how their information is collected and safeguarded.
The Special Service for National Security did not confirm in their response whether the website had undergone a thorough examination. They stated only that TOTP.APP has been recommended by the Hungarian government since the launch of the Client Gate+ system in 2022. Additionally, they asserted that no complaints regarding its operation have been received.
National consultation website also ran Russian code.
This is not the first instance of controversy surrounding Russian-developed software in Hungary. In 2017, it emerged that the national consultation website employed code from Russian technology company Yandex to gather user statistics. According to 444.hu, the company was revealed in 2011 to share data with the Russian secret service.
At the time, the Government Information Centre insisted that users’ data and the opinions expressed on the site were strictly separated and could not be linked. The Centre described the analytical tools as a means to improve efficiency but acknowledged that one tool “could provide an opportunity for malevolent misinterpretation.” Consequently, developers were instructed to disable it.
UPDATE: Russian code disappeared, program for sale
According to Telex, the developer of the TOTP.APP deleted the Russian code from the site. Furthermore, he noted that anybody can buy the website for USD 20,000.
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Orban = Putin and sadly now Hungary = Russia. The security implications are absolutely disasterous. Hungarians as well as anyone who has dual citizenship will now have their personal information open to Russian access. Do not for a second doubt that the Russians will use this code generator to enable their own access. Ask yourself why these Fidesz scum mafia criminals insist on using Russian technology for vital security purposes.
Fidesz claims about the strength of Hungarian education and the need of Hungarian independence, then news like this would be make me think that their claims are just propaganda. Maybe it’s just me that I get old and cynical