Russian attack against Ukraine: here is Hungary’s response
![Ukraine Russian attack tanks](
“War is the worst-case scenario”, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Facebook early on Thursday, after Russia started military operations on Ukrainian soil.
The government’s task — “now, as always” — is to guarantee the safety of Hungarians, Szijjártó said. “Our embassy in Kyiv is open, and at the service of Hungarians in Ukraine. My colleagues are locally providing every aid available,” he said.
Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Thursday said Hungary stood by Ukraine’s territorial inegrity and sovereignty, and will take part in all talks of the allied forces on decisions regarding a coordinated response. In a live video streamed on Facebook,
Szijjártó said even the diplomacy of the “largest and strongest countries” had been unable to avert war in Ukraine.
Hungary is keeping its representations in Ukraine open, including its embassy in Kyiv, as part of its work to guarantee the safety of Hungarians, he said. Szijjártó said he had had talks with István Íjgyártó, Hungary’s Ambassador to Ukraine, who said central Ukraine was as yet free of conflict. The Ukrainian national guard has doubled the protection of the embassy, and embassy employees are safe, Ijgyarto said.
The minister called on Hungarians currently in eastern or central Ukraine to contact the embassy.
The Transcarpathia region in eastern Ukraine, which has a large population of ethnic Hungarians, is “calm so far”, and Hungary is in constant contact with the leaders of ethnic Hungarians and local consulates, he said. Should further steps become necessary, Hungary is prepared to “take them swiftly and in a timely fashion”, Szijjártó said.
Commenting on the situation, political analyst Dániel Deák said Hungary’s geopolitical situation meant that it could not get involved in any sort of armed conflict. Deák, chief analyst of the 21st Century Institute, told public news channel M1 that all Hungary could do was support the position and steps taken by the European Union and NATO.
He cited Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as saying that Hungary aimed to stay out of the conflict, rejecting a proposal by opposition politicians for Hungary to send troops and weapons to Ukraine.
Deák noted, at the same time, that Europe, including Hungary, was dependent on Russian oil and gas, adding that global oil and gas prices were already rising.
Hungary also has a duty to take in and provide care for any refugees fleeing the conflict, he said, adding that the country had a plan in place to accept hundreds of thousands of people if it became necessary.
Source: MTI
Yes PLEASE, Keep out of it! This is the “Big Boys” battle for supremacy: USA versus Russia.—long -time enemies— Ukraine is a good excuse now.
Don!t let Hungary become a battlefield and keep foreign armies out!
We can help Ukraine some other ways, find the way!! (Medical, food, shelter)
The EASE – when you break it ALL down – the EASE of the exercise to INVADE and just take-over – like we are seeing this Deplorable Russian Invasion of the Ukraine.
What next – we could ALL ask will un-fold in this movement expansion of Russian borders in Europe ?
Mankind – forgetting all the academia or history of wars – invasions – mankind has NEVER learnt lessions that have been put in place and practiced – carried through and built on – that wars / invasions simple make Human Life for Millions or Billions – an on-going NIGHTMARE.
It “Riles” me evan to THINK it – the what if ?
If the invaders that the world – those of the Free World – see’s Russia to be, in this latest TRAGEDY of Mankind – what if – moving on – pick a time period – months years whatever – what HAPPENS – in the case of Russia – if they stand to be Defeated ?
One Word – Nuclear.
Russia would not Hesitate – to “push” the button – but in expressing an opinion – neither would ALL other countries of the World – that have in there military arsenals – Nuclear weaponry.
What extent – will we – in months years – witness CLEARLY – the infestation through invasion by Russia of “other” lands country’s of Europe ?
Ease of Invasion.
It “Viles” me when reading of War – the history of wars and human conflicks – mankinds inability to Reconcile Indifferences – practice Tolerance – when the expression is used the “Theatre of War”.
Theatre – human life – we go to ENJOY not to “dull” our lives nor darken the Future of our Lives.
Separating – this Invasion topic Russia on the Ukraine – we Humans throughout the World, are living in a CHANGED World post February 2020.
Similarities could be concluded – the EASE – that this ongoing Novel Virus – that has ceased the life of nearing 44,000 Hungarians – our Brothers & Sisters – the EASE – it entered invaded Hungary and the WORLD.
Post February 2020 – the – INVASION- the arrival of this Novel Virus – have we NOT witnessed the – Devastation and it’s – Cataclysmic Impact it has – continues to have – on our Hungary and the World ???
The “Zenith” of the Invader of post February 2020 – the Global Ramifications through the EASE of its arrival – it’s IMPACT on mankink – is distanced from what will be its Legacy.
Life – the Global change to mankind post February 2020 – that we are living in Hungary – Europe, that confronts us – adds another CHALLENGE to us – to live in deepening times of Uncertainty.
This Invasion of Russia on the Ukraine – that continues to unfold and what will in time eventuate from and out of it – makes me grow deeper in my Love of Family and Loved ones – especially the “Little ones”.
Words used – in Fact – etched into a cellar stoned walls that was used as a hiding place during the course of the Second World War – that has “moved” me on numerous occassions in the “Journeys” – my Life has taken me – and what I have witnessed and seen Globally – especially in my “Mood” at present being Melancholy –
“I Beleive in the Sun,
Evan when it is not Shining”.
St. Stephen – Please Pray for us – as our Most Beloved Patron Saint of Hungary.