Russian gas supplies will be cut off for a week in Hungary

As the Turkish Stream pipeline is being maintained, from 21 June, gas supplies will be cut off for a week. Russian gas is sent through that pipeline, therefore, Hungary is seriously affected by this decision. 

The importance of the Turkish Stream

Turkish Stream is one of the most important routes for Russian gas to Europe. The pipeline has a capacity of 31.5 billion cubic meters per year, half of which runs to the Turks and the other half to the Balkans and Eastern Europe. – reports A significant part of Russia’s gas imports have arrived in this way to Hungary, too. Last September, the two countries agreed to replace most of the former Ukrainian transit with this route. At that time, there was even a conflict about this between Ukraine and Hungary.

How much gas will Hungary lose?

Serbia is also affected due to the maintenance of the pipeline. As the gas transported by pipeline under the Black Sea crosses the Serbian-Hungarian border at Kiskundorozsma, Hungary also falls victim to the decision. More than a third of all the gas supply to Hungary has come from Serbia. – writes Therefore, this is the amount that will be lost for a week.

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Is it possible to replace the imports?

There may be a way to replace imports from the south. If there is enough gas on the market, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania and Croatia could provide solutions. In addition, it is also possible that transit through Ukraine will get back on track. Since the outbreak of the war, imports stopped completely from that direction. However, some gas has been found again in Beregdaróc.

Not only Hungary is affected

This issue with the Turkish Stream does not only have consequences in Hungary but in entire Europe. With roughly one-eighth of all European imports coming from this direction, the Turkish Stream is also an important route for other European countries. The timing is also really unfortunate because the North Stream has just collapsed, too. The pipeline transporting gas to Germany under the Baltic Sea has received just over a third more gas in recent days than previously used to. In this case, Gazprom even blamed Germany for what happened. According to the Russian company, the reduction in circulation was necessary because the maintenance work carried out by German Siemens was late. However, Germans deny this argument.

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One comment

  1. Mindboggling arrangement.
    Could be more than meets in eye in this explanation.
    Thankfully its Summer, but Winter, when it arrives, what will the Gas supply picture be to Hungary.
    Obebience to the Kremlin, will possible see Hungary not harmed by a shortage of gas, but time will tell.

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