Scandalous: bystanders filmed the death of a man in Hungary

The Hungarian Ambulance Service is outraged: people photographed and videotaped a man dying with children in their arms near Lake Balaton. Paramedics tried in vain to divert onlookers away from the middle-aged man, whose life they unfortunately failed to save.
Bystanders took photos and videos of the death of a man
In an outraged post, the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) reported on an incident in Balatonmáriafürdő, Hungary.
The man was not breathing by the time the rescuers arrived
Emergency services were alerted to a man in his 50s who had been pulled from Lake Balaton after he had started feeling sick in the water. Rescue units and flight paramedics, who arrived within minutes, immediately began advanced treatment on the man, who was no longer breathing. The patient’s life was fought for more than an hour and a half, reports
The incident was “watched by many onlookers on the beach, even though our comrades tried to hide the patient with blankets and bath towels. Although the lifeguards tried to ward off the curious onlookers, they did not really have time to deal with it,” writes the OMSZ in their Facebook post.
People showed complete indifference
“Many of the disaster tourists showed complete indifference, videotaping and photographing the scene, but there were also some who watched the man’s fierce fight for his life with their child in their arms,” they continue their shocking story.
“The rescuers did everything they could, but unfortunately they could not save the man’s life despite the team’s hard work, which was immediately shared on social media,” the post continues.
The unspeakable behaviour also affected the rescuers. The head of the Balatonlelle Rescue Station described the behaviour of the onlookers as intolerable, something he had never experienced in his more than 30 years of career. At the end of the post, the paramedics added their usual hashtag: spot the ambulance. Now, it is more important than ever.
A drunkard attacked the paramedics
A drunk 25-year-old man did not want to look like a wimp in front of his friends, so he would not let the paramedic work. He tried to show off his strength in a restaurant in Budapest’s XIII district by smashing a beer glass with his bare hands. However, his friends called the ambulance for help because of his injuries.
The young paramedic informed the delinquent that his wounds needed stitches and that he would be taken to hospital, writes However, this was met with some resistance from the drunken giant. With the huge gold chain around his neck, he even tried to buy the paramedics off based on their weight to avoid them helping him! But of course, this did not happen, the OMSZ Facebook post says.
He just did not want to seem like a wimp
The argument lasted only 2 minutes, which was ended by a young paramedic when she grabbed a radio. After saying that she would call for police assistance, she no longer needed to use the radio. The huge man quickly changed his style and from then on cooperated with the lifeguards in every way.
In fact, during the otherwise uneventful transport, he finally apologised for his temper and thanked the rescuers for their help. He said he just did not want to seem like a wimp in front of his friends.
Featured image: illustration, healthcare professionals struggling for the life of a man in Budapest.
Normally, filming at an emergency service is punishable. Especially in the event of a death. Or does this not apply to these curious people? Where is the respect?