Security policy expert Nogradi: European anti-terror measures are ridiculous and disastrous

According to, before the Friday meeting of the EU justice and interior ministers, it has been revealed what we said for years is not true. On paper, the cooperation of the European secret services and polices are perfect, but they are not in the reality – security policy expert Gyorgy Nogradi says.

It is surprising that the authorities did not know about Abdelhamid Abaaoud that he was in Europe and France, while everyone proclaims that European secret services, polices exchange any information for many years – security policy expert Gyorgy Nogradi said in the radio program called 180 perc.

According to the university professor, the French had no idea that the most wanted terrorist has not been in Syria for years. Anyways, Abdelhamid Abbaoud previously talked about that he could freely walk around between Europe and the Middle East.

“So the situation is disastrous”, it has been revealed before the Friday meeting of the EU justice and interior ministers that what we said for years is not true. On paper, the cooperation of the European secret services and polices are perfect, but they are not in the reality, and several European leaders raised the issue of the responsibility of the polices and intelligence services – the expert outlined. Gyorgy Nogradi added, as a result, the Germans announced they would establish a special police intelligence unit to 2016 which would be able to do all kinds of tasks, wrote.

According to Gyorgy Nogradi, the proposals lying on the table of the Union interior and justice ministers do not provide a solution. It has been coming for years, months that an anti-terror strategy has to be elaborated, the financing of the terrorist groups has to be examined and a stricter passport control is needed, but what is happening is minimal.

The professor also said he thinks the majority of Europe’s current political leaders are unsuitable for the task they were invited to. They are unable to act in difficult situation. Not even they are not on the top of things, but they cannot even lead Europe which will be suffered by the continent in the coming weeks, months and years. For example, he mentioned the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker who said the accept of migrants has not to be changed. According to Gyorgy Nogradi, it is a historic mistake. The expert also criticized Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, who asked the question: why Germany, the most democratic and most liberal country of the continent since Europe exists, does not send more forces to protect the external borders. Gyorgy Nogradi pointed out there is a contradiction in one single sentence of Gyorgy Nogradi.

based on the article of
translated by BA

Photo: Nogradi Gyorgy Facebook Fan page



  1. I just hope that Mr Nogradi’s wise comments are passed on to Mr Junker
    for not only his digestion but also for his immediate action.

    In my opinion the EU Commissioners are still asleep over the immigration and terrorist problem by their lack of action which in turn is placing EU citizens throughout Europe in uneccesary danger

    The sooner the Union gets it act together the better

  2. Western Liberal pundits are going to be the reason why Europe would split East and West all over again. Being totally unresponsible for European values and civility, these idiot clowns will separate the EU on their ignorance alone. Although trade and other travel may continue in some light restricted way, the old worry free and ignorant ways will not continue much like restricted free travel between Canada and the USA to date. I use to drive across that border 30 yrs ago with just a quick verbal and a drivers license. Try that today. East to West travel will change unfortunately due to the dumb liberal idiots. Maybe new answers will come later.

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