Semmelweis University among world’s 300 best!

Budapest’s Semmelweis University (SE) has leapt 149 places since last year and is now among the 300 best universities of the world, according to the Times Higher Education’s (THE) university ranking.

SE head Béla Merkely told MTI on Thursday that his university was second in Europe in terms of the improvement it had made in a single year, and noted that SE had been placed 426 in last year’s ranking. “This confirms that the institution is going in the right direction thanks to our ambitious goals and the outstanding performance of students,” he said.

SE has improved all its indicators since last year,

with special regard to its educational environment, while the number of references and indicators of international orientation also put the university among the best 25 percent in the world.

This year’s THE ranking includes 11 Hungarian universities, with Budapest’s ELTE in the 601-800 range, while Pecs, Debrecen, and Szeged universities are in the 801-1000 range. The global list is headed by Oxford University, the California Institute of Technology, Harvard and Stanford.

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. Basically. one of them are in the top league. Not even in the top 100. Is the DNH trying to put foreign students off from studying in Hungary by publishing these less than inspiring ranking positions?

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