Sensitive data leak from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office: no investigation to be launched

Parliament’s judicial committee has voted down a proposal to launch an investigation into how sensitive data “was leaked” from the Central Statistical Office in February, Tamás Mellár, a deputy of the opposition Párbeszéd party, told a press conference on Tuesday.

Mellár said the embargoed statistics had been obtained by a government commissioner, whereas such data could only be sent legally to the prime minister, the ministers, and the governor of the central bank before publication.

On another subject, Mellár voiced incomprehension that parliament’s economic committee had discussed a draft statement marking the first anniversary of the Ukraine war. “This is not an economic issue but a political memorandum,” he said.

Concerning the proposed document, Mellár said “it is a shameful memorandum, unacceptable for any good-intentioned Hungarian,” adding that “interrupting the Russia-Ukraine war now unconditionally with a ceasefire … is distinctly a Russian scenario.” Peace talks could only be possible if Russia withdrew from the occupied territories, he insisted.

Source: MTI

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