Shocking news from Hungarian roads – Accidents on the rise

According to, much more accidents have happened in Hungary this year than last year, not to mention that the number of injuries has also grown significantly. Why could it be?

Slowly but firmly it can be stated that the billions of forints spent on the Véda system (public road intelligent camera network) have not yet brought the results expected – given that the aim was the reduction of the number of accidents.

Since the installation of the system, the rate of accidents has grown prominently.

Based on the most recent data, between the 1st of January and 31st of May, 2018, altogether 6,289 road accidents overtaking casualties happened, which is 13% more than the rate from last year (5,564). 725 more accidents happened, which almost means five more accidents every day compared to last year.

While last year there were 202 deathly accidents (218 people) in the given period, this year 229 people died in 203 accidents. Regarding passengers, 19 more fell victim to different accidents.

The number of serious accidents on Hungarian roads has also increased.

1,729 happened until the end of May compared to 1,672 this time last year. Consequently, the number of serious injuries and casualties has also grown.

What is more, the amount of accidents with minor injuries also shows an outstanding difference: there have been 4,357 of these this year compared to 3,690 last year.

The police believe that the main reason behind the accidents is speeding – it is said that 32% of accidents overtaking casualties happened due to speeding. This means that the Véda system, which was launched to control speeding, is not doing an accurate job – or there are other determining factors causing so many accidents.

Featured image: MTI


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