BUD group employees will take home higher salaries from March, thanks to an agreement between Budapest Airport and employee representative bodies. The BUD group, which is responsible for the operation and the safety/security of the airport, has been moving forward with great momentum in recent months, adding more than 200 new colleagues to its team, and has now set significantly higher minimum wage levels than last year for all positions. As a result, employees at Budapest Airport will receive an average increase of 13% from their March pay onwards.
The amount of the work commute allowance will also increase, to 15 HUF/km for staff commuting from outside Budapest, as of March. Employees from Budapest will continue to be entitled to a gross monthly travel allowance of 14 286 HUF, the net amount of which is equal to the current price of a monthly public transport pass.
At BUD Security Kft., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Budapest Airport, the starting basic wage of security screeners will be 404 300 HUF gross from March, which represents a 15% increase compared to last year’s monthly salary. The starting salary of terminal operations and information staff responsible for passenger information will also rise to 404 300 HUF gross per month. In addition to their basic wage and shift allowances, staff are also entitled to a quarterly bonus, a work commute allowance and a seniority bonus, in proportion to their length of service at the company.
This year’s wage increase will be significant for all positions; in many cases, up to 50,000 HUF gross per month at Budapest Airport. In addition, the agreement concluded with employee interest bodies traditionally includes the amount of the Christmas bonus.
Zsuzsa Zahorán-Pirisi, chief human resources officer for Budapest Airport, said in connection with the wage increase, “I am very pleased that we can start 2022, which promises to be a very busy year, with a signed wage agreement. We are preparing for the growing passenger traffic and will continue to implement our strategic goals. With our 2022 wages and benefits and the supportive work environment that is characteristic of the BUD group, we can continue to provide attractive and stable workplaces for our employees. Our common goal is to provide the best possible service to our passengers.”