Socialists call for linking starter teachers’ salaries to central bank governor’s pay
The opposition Socialists on Monday called for linking career-starter teachers’ salaries to the central bank governor’s pay.
Socialist parliamentary group leader Bertalan Toth told an online press briefing that a current government proposal to raise György Matolcsy’s salary from 5 million forints (EUR 12,275) a month to over 6 million forints was unacceptable.
The Orban government is raising Matolcsy’s salary at a time when inflation is record high, food prices are growing by 40-50 percent, and the central bank has introduced a base rate of 18 percent to prevent the collapse of the forint, he said.
He proposed setting starter teachers’ wages at 10 percent of the central bank governor’s.
As we wrote earlier, the government aims to spend a total of 1,200 billion forints (EUR 3bn) on raising teachers’ wages between now and 2025, covering half of the amount from domestic resources and the other half from EU funds, details HERE.