Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Office accuses EU’s CERV programme of funding Soros-affiliated pressure groups

The European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) is the “Brussels-based arm of the Soros organisations” used to finance political pressure campaigns, the Sovereignty Protection Office said on Wednesday.
The office’s statement said its analysis of the CERV programme launched in 2021 had found that the EC in recent years had allowed members of the “Soros network” to obtain funding directly from Brussels. The programme’s framework for applications was significantly modified “in line with the Soros network’s interests” so that they could be granted the EU funds intended for civil groups, the office said.
The Sovereignty Protection Office said CERV was actually being used to finance political pressure campaigns. The office said its analysis found that in Hungary, most of the funding distributed as part of CERV had gone to political pressure groups affiliated with the “Soros network” instead of Hungarian civil organisations. Fully three-quarters of CERV funds went to the “Soros network” despite these groups making up only a quarter of the civil organisations, the statement added.
The office said that over the last two years, the groups in question had used the close to HUF 5 billion (EUR 12.2m) they obtained in CERV funds to shape the public discourse “according to their client’s interests”, had “spread misinformation disguised as expert opinion”, and applied international pressure on countries deemed rebellious by the EC.
The most significant consequence of this for Hungary, the office said, was that the country had only received a fraction of the EUR 22 billion it is entitled to in the current EU financial cycle. The Sovereignty Protection Office said Hungarian taxpayers had no say in how their tax money was spent, adding that this seriously violated the sovereignty of member states and went against the interests of Hungarians and Europeans.
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This is really getting out of hand. It is outrageous that private individuals such as Soros, Schwab, Gates, etc. exert so much influence over public policy of sovereign countries they’re not even citizens of, JUST because they are rich, while the actual citizens have far, far less influence, if any at all.
1. NO taxpayers’ funding for “charities,” N.G.O.s, lobbies, and so on.
2. Limit private individuals’ donations to such organizations to, say, $1,000 per legal resident of the country per annum.
3. Clear and distinct division between a) such organizations and b) national governments and supranational institutions like the E.U.
4. Disband the W.E.F., Bilderberg, and anything else they’ve got going on and try any political leader who ever attends Davos and the like with treason. Throw all their a…s in jail FOR LIFE.
Absolute scum, all of them!!!
What about Musk and his millions of dollars pushing in Germany for right wing? You don’t complain about it, right?
You DID miss out on Mr. Musk – any thoughts? Oversight?
Besides. NGOs serve many purposes. Unless you want a REALLY big state apparatus, NGOs are indispensable.
Some examples of their role:
Service Delivery: NGOs often fill gaps left by governmental institutions, particularly in areas with limited resources or capacity. They provide essential services such as education, healthcare, disaster relief, and poverty alleviation and directly impact the lives of marginalized communities.
Advocacy and Awareness: NGOs advocate for vulnerable populations, amplifying their voices and lobbying for policy changes. They raise awareness about pressing social issues and mobilize public support. it urges governments and other stakeholders to take action.
Capacity Building: NGOs empower individuals and communities by offering capacity-building programs, skills training, and educational opportunities. By equipping people with knowledge and resources, NGOs promote self-sufficiency and sustainable development.
Monitoring and Evaluation: NGOs monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of government policies, programs, and projects. They act as watchdogs to ensure transparency, accountability, and the efficient use of resources. NGOs also conduct research and data collection to inform evidence-based decision-making.
Humanitarian Assistance: During emergencies, NGOs provide humanitarian aid such as food, shelter, healthcare, and psychosocial support. Their agility and flexibility enable them to reach affected populations quickly and efficiently.
And NGOs are from all political persuasions. Let´s not forget – Mr. Szájer is now with the 21st Century Institute (XXI. Század Intézet), Mrs. Novák heads up X·Y Worldwide, etc.
George Soros is too old now but he would have been ten times better as prime minister than corrupt Russian boot licker Orban.
Jose, Mr. Musk does not need financing. He has enough money to fund his ideas and they are great ideas. However, EU’s income is generated from tax money from member states. Not one penny of the money should be spent to support private groups.
What is the evil soros empire doing in the EU? It is obvious that this evil group did not succeed in the US now they want to control the EU.
You are obviously missing the point, but what else can i expect from you? It does not matter if i give you evidence, Hungarians like you are foolishly in love of orban. Enjoy poverty then!
You may have missed the recent fracas around Mr. Trump’s freeze on all federal foreign and domestic aid. Guess what. Tax money is used to fund all kinds of “groups” you would classify as “private”, and they are actually doing really important and impactful work. Unless you want REALLY BIG government, these groups are pivotal to actually effectuate policy and help people, on the ground.
Jose, you do not value the work or contribution of average citizen. Money by Brussels should only be spent to improve conditions in the alliance. First and foremost, these private agencies such as NGO for illegal migrants do not add to the wellbeing of the people at large. Brussels’s money does not come from a bottomless pit.
There is a difference between the soros clan and Mr. Musk’s achievements. Mr. Musk added to the wellbeing of citizens with his Tesla while the soros clan practically ruined the US Justice System by financing the candidacy of DAs’ that are soft on crime. I am sure you would not support murderers once charge roam your city free or criminal illegal migrant murderers let out simply because they live in a sanctuary city. Socialism does not make sense.
Funny how you should mention releasing convicted felons – “Law and Order! Tough on crime!”:
Assaulting … Police … Officers. Officers were hurt and died, defending the Capitol. “Roaming free””.
Or in Hungary – let’s release some people smugglers, after conviction!
BLM and ANTIFA rioters burned downs sections of cities, murdered people, looted stores and beat up police officers regularly. None of these rioters were charged. Furthermore, Kamala Harris was part of a group that collected money for these criminals’ defense. The justice system was totally politicized.
Now, it is the Trump Administration that is considering retaliation against his enemies and started by firing carrier lawyers that worked on cases against President Trump. The carrier lawyers had no choice on what cases they are assigned.
Hungarians should be happy with their justice system; it is much it is closer to the word “justice”.