Speaking Hungarian in Hollywood movies – Video

According to tizpertiz.hu, a website called Hetedik Sor Közepe (the middle of the seventh row) collected scenes in Hollywood movies and series where actors spoke in Hungarian.

It’s a well-known fact that there are several Hollywood productions that feature Hungarian expressions, or expressions that were meant to be said in Hungarian. The topic came up again because of the new Blade Runner movie. Another typical example is The Usual Suspects, but the compilation also includes a few series (Alias, Gilmore Girls), James Bond, and a Hungarian director who spoke in his mother tongue in Machete. Enjoy 😉

Hungary is a relatively small country with a population of approximately 9.8 million people. It is no wonder that we become so excited when world famous people turn out to have a little bit of Hungarian blood flowing through their veins. Hungarian surnames are easy to spot, thus when people keep their original Hungarian surnames, it is not that challenging to recognise a star as “one of our own”, such as Mariska Hargitay or Elsa Pataky. As it turns out, there are quite a few celebrities in Hollywood who might not have Hungarian surnames but still have Hungarian ancestors. According to Starity Magazine, here is a list of 5 famous people whose Hungarian origin might surprise you, read HERE!

Featured image: www.youtube.com

Source: http://tizpertiz.hu/


  1. Prodigy 2019, even though the translation from the text recorded on the tape is lacking that he claims that he’s gonna lick off her ears (not stab the eyes) and hold her ‘sweet hand’. That gives meaning to the opening ‘nakedly cut-hand-grabbing shot-to-death’ scene.

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