Hungarian GP: Ukrainian refugees bring AIDS, tuberculosis, measles

Dániel Eörsi, a Hungarian GP helping refugees from Ukraine, talked sincerely about the medical condition of the people crossing the Hungarian border. He said there were patients diagnosed with measles in one of the aid centres. Furthermore, the different medicines of Ukrainian citizens cause serious problems.

Refugees in poor medical condition

According to, Dániel Eörsi joined volunteer healthcare staff in an institution helping homeless people in Budapest. He said they met patients from every corner of the world, and it is common that their treatment differs from European standards. He added that it seemed to him sometimes that refugees coming from Ukraine received different treatment than the European scientific paradigm.

One of the refugees showed a blood pressure medicine, which was not in the Hungarian register. Moreover, Eörsi said many Ukrainian citizens use vitamins and herbs instead of medicine. Moreover, once he saw a leg ulcer that

had not been treated for 15-20 years.

Ukrainian refugees bring AIDS and other terrible diseases to Hungary?

He said that many refugees were not cooperative, and they did not go to the hospital despite the doctor’s recommendation. They accept antibiotics but reject treatment. For them, hospitals are dangerous places since they have to go there alone, without their families. He highlighted that some of them might carry hepatitis, AIDS or tuberculosis, reported.

The AIDS infection rate in Ukraine, for example, is significantly higher than in Hungary.

Moreover, we can catch tuberculosis regardless of the vaccine, although the chance of that is small. He said that among poorer people, doctors cannot exclude even scabies, lice, and similar health issues.

The vaccination rate of the children is low. Among the adults, 36 pc received at least the first jab of the coronavirus vaccine. That rate is above 70 pc in Hungary.




  1. So it turns out that even if one is white and Christian people are still on the receiving end of Hungarian xenophobia after all.

  2. Anonymous:

    So, reporting the health problems being diagnosed with refugees is now xenophobia?

    That is the dumbest thing I have ever read.

  3. Offer them a SMILE and Welcome them.
    What millions of them are suffering enduring at this time – through Russia staging a war on the Ukraine – mindboggling.
    Compassionately address problems discovered such as the theme of this article and play a pro-active role to Fix it.
    Eradicate Judgement on these people, and smile welcome them, exhibit compassion to them from whatever “Station in Life” or “other” – they come .
    We as Hungarians are faced and challenged – to make there lives – there Future – Tolerable and hopefully have a FUTURE.
    This is a Human RIGHTFUL – open minded, not saturated by Prejudice or pre-judgement attitude – that needs adapted and practiced.
    It comes under Deeds and the growing on or creating of a CREED, what we do others – smile, welcoming and accepting them as fellow Human beings.

  4. Erick is right, the two comments above him are some of the silliest comments ever made. If Two the users read the article. they would have read that the Hungarian GP (General Practitioner) mentioned the health conditions that some of the Ukrainian refugees have.

    I know a lot of people on the left love to talk about xenophobia and racism, but “this ain’t it, chief.”

  5. But all Dániel Eörsi is saying is that some Ukrainians might carry certain illnesses, not that they have them. Pure speculation. The treatment by herbal remedies, well, for those who live in the countryside that’s perfectly normal. Many people who live in rural communities in Hungary don’t want to be treated in hospitals, they’re scared they won’t come out. Some people are wary of medical intervention whatever their nationality.

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