Survey: 80% of Hungarians do not want a homosexual PM

Závecz Research conducted a survey that shows that only 20% of Hungarians would accept a homosexual prime minister.
The results show some interesting data. 20% of people would accept a homosexual prime minister, 72% are against it, and 8% refused to answer. Among Fidesz voters, 14% would accept a homosexual prime minister, 78% would be against it, and 5% did not answer the question. Among the voters of the opposition, 28% said that a homosexual prime minister would be accepted, 66% answered with no, and 6% did not answer, reported RTL, an independent TV channel that initiated the survey.
Telex asked Fidesz members about this controversial topic, and the answers were very different from one another. Zsolt Semjén told Telex the following:
“As a parent, I think it would be outrageous if any transvestites or people with whatever kinds of preferences just went up to my kid and started explaining sexual content that I do not want my child to hear. Children in schools and kindergartens must be protected from sexual impulses they are unprepared for and which their parents disagree with.”
A former member of Fidesz recently told Partizán that there are many secretly homosexual members in Fidesz. Regarding this, Telex asked a few right-wing politicians if they would accept an openly homosexual member in the political party.
Judit Varga said that
“it could happen any time. This is the 21st century and a free country. Even the PM said that for us, individual liberties are a treasure.”
The same question was addressed to Zsolt Semjén who said that he would not be enthusiastic about it, but he does not think this is a reason for exclusion. He also said that homosexuality is a sin.
RTL addressed questions to Zsófia Rácz, Deputy State Secretary for Youth, who said that she does not know about any school or kindergarten where homosexuality is intentionally promoted, but this does not mean there are none. She added that there are many psychologists and teachers at schools that a young homosexual person can talk to.
- Minister: European Commission wants to let LGBTQ organizations into kindergartens, schools
- Referendum on child protection to be held late 2021, early 2022 – UPDATE
Source: RTL, Telex, Partizán
But they are fine with a corrupt dictator making off with the nation’s wealth and reputation.
The law passed by the Hungarian Government – June 15th, the ramifications both in Hungary – the European Union – Europe and the wider world, has found Hungary under an increased level of microscopic interest and investigation.
We know the name Hungary in the European Union is under imence pressure, that literally is either Hungary plays by the rules laws and regulations of the European Union or it – of it’s own choosing, at this stage can leave.
The announcement of a Referendum in past days by the present Government of Hungary and other comments they have made, in addition to the perceived “head hunt” the European Union – has undertaken against Prime Minister – Victor Orban and the Government of Hungary – leaves Hungary, in an extremely vulnerable and precarious position – going forward.
It is clear there is no “middle ground” from Hungary to the European Union.
Hungary will offer no “mea culpa” – which will not end in pleasantness of relationships in the European Union – Europe and the Global World.
Hungary needs for its FUTURE – the membership of the European Union.
Smoke screens that are constantly being erected – to avoid deflect – the real and deteriorating Economic and Social picture in Hungary – by the present Prime Minister – Victor Orban led Government, will be another failing that the citizens of Hungary – will continue to witness and take action.
Citizens action – the right to vote under Democracy – the National Elections May 2022 – the voice of citizens and the power of there voices through there vote – to make change, if they wish.
Why not survey to the citizens of Hungary – “Do you want a Jewish – Prime Minister “.
Interesting survey that could awaken a very sleeping tiger ///
NotOrban, where is your proof of corruption? Until proof supplied, it is just hot air.
Maria, I would point out the palatial estate his dad just had built using funds from government contracts or the gratuitous amount wealth his closest associates have made but I think you’re the type of person who avoids evidence (those contrary to her views) like a cat does water.
Maria, I would bring up the palatial estate his father funded through government contacts or the exorbitant fortunes his cronies have accumulated but I doubt you would believe anything I say anyway
Maria Von Theresa, NotOrban is our famous Mario.
The reason anyone with 2 braincells left to rub together is a person whom is a Homosexual and a politician is not a good mix for a leadership position is because they are subject to being blackmailed by the likes of George Soro’s and many Nations intellegence serevices like the MI6, CIA, FSB and Mossad to name a few.
They don’t want a gay leader? But they vote for a party that raves in gay orgies? Half of the hungarian men are a bit gay…… Denial is more dangerous than flag full of colors.
Not Mario, your conspiracy theories about my identity are just are far out there as your other views
Perhaps a similar survey should be run asking if Hungarians would accept a disabled Prime Minister, one who was wheelchair bound (as President Roosevelt was) or a woman (as was Margaret Thatcher in the UK as as are the PM’s of Finland and New Zealand): The UK had a gay PM in 1970-1974 and the current PM of Luxembourg (male) and the current PM of Serbia (female) are both gay. Since 2009 there have been 3 other openly gay PM’s of European countries, Iceland, the Republic of Ireland and Belgium. So this blackmail notion is total nonsense.
Cut the cr%p to answer your question being handicapped or female is no issue as long as the candidate represents the views of the Hungarian electorate. So, you need not worry Klara Dobrev stands no chance due to her radical views and parroting of Brussels Soro’s lapdogs.
The issue is about a politician being blackmailable due to their sexual preferences that most of them would not want the public to find out about like the now disgraced former member of the European Parliament who resigned after being caught at a Gay Party. I will concede that if a candidate has always been out then that issue would be a moot point if their candidacy otherwise was approved by the voters.
Have a nice day.