Survey: even Fidesz voters believe the government is holding back Budapest

According to a survey by MediĂ¡n, the overwhelming majority of Budapest residents believe that the Hungarian government is making the capital’s financial situation more difficult because it is in opposition. However, the majority is satisfied with the work of Mayor Gergely KarĂ¡csony.

Survey on Budapest

MediĂ¡n conducted a survey on Budapest in the first half of April. According to, one in ten people believe that Budapest’s financial situation is improving, while more than three-quarters of them think that the country’s capital is facing a financial struggle. Even two-thirds of government voters share the same view.

More than half of respondents say that Budapest currently pays more taxes than it did under the previous Fidesz government. This higher tax burden is criticised by 59 percent of people, while 26 percent reckon it is justified by the economic situation.

Opposition capital, Fidesz government

A large majority of Budapest residents, 73 percent to be precise, think that the government is making things difficult for Budapest because it is led by an opposition. Even among Fidesz voters, only half believe that Budapest and other municipalities are treated equally.

Gergely KarĂ¡csony, the Mayor of Budapest, enjoys a positive public perception. In contrast to the 56 percent of satisfied survey respondents, 33 percent think he is making excuses and deflecting blame.

Gergely KarĂ¡csony’s performance is now the most positively rated in the capital in the last two years. In particular, the opposition mayor has received outstanding recognition among younger age groups.

Several politicians were also included in the survey. Among them, Gergely KarĂ¡csony was found to be the most likeable. He was followed by Anna DonĂ¡th and then former Mayor IstvĂ¡n TarlĂ³s.


  1. I’m a Fidesz voter and I disagree. Budapest voted in a globalist-socialist and is now reaping the consequences. Those people are world-(in)famous for mismanaging taxpayers’ money, and Budapest is no exception. The only two things they’re great at is wasting people’s funds on “diversity” nonsense (q.v. Mayo Greg’s flag-flying and Roma “community center”-building) and blaming everyone else for their repeated failures. There’s nothing new under the sun…

  2. Wow – Michael Steiner admission of his “Love Affair” of Victor Orban & Fidesz is CONFIRMED.
    Steiner’s “pen” in contributions he makes as a commentator, his Political affiliations clearly exposed his Orban/Fidesz support of membership.
    Steiner’s comments on this article – the blame this, the waste of funds etc etc – what Steiner dismally FAILS to understand, that if you don’t have systems working DEMOCRATICALLY with each other, especially in the Hungarian “modus operandi” political functionality, remaining in an embedded pre 1989 way of THINKING, you have society chaos and destruction.
    There can be like Shakespeare – Romeo & Juliet – no WINNER.
    Democracy is Dialogue – but Orban, his Party, have continue to MOVE in an “embracement” of dictatorial Governance, which Hungary is paying for this WRONGFULLNESS that will Worsen.

  3. You Hungarians better wake up.
    Orban may look bad but the last 50 years spoiled you.
    The alternative to orban is the one world government.
    Good luck with that.

  4. If you don’t like OrbĂ¡n, please move to aome other european country who is as left-controlled as you like.
    Don’t destroy the last bastion of hope in Europe, the Texas of Europe.

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