Foreign minister Szijjártó: NATO members view Ukraine war differently from Hungary

The position of the majority of NATO member states concerning the war in Ukraine and the possibility of peace is entirely different from that of Hungary, the foreign minister said on Wednesday.

NATO is preparing to launch a mission concerning Ukraine which Hungary deems “dangerous and unnecessary”, but since NATO’s 31 other members have a different view “we cannot prevent that,” Péter Szijjártó said on Facebook.

He said the Hungarian government’s most important goal and task was to secure a guarantee that Hungarian troops should not be obliged to participate in the planned mission, that Hungarian taxpayers’ money should not be used for its financing and that there should be “no military event taking place in Hungary’s territory,” Szijjártó said.

Szijjártó and Jens Stoltenberg:

“The threat of the war’s escalation is now bigger than ever,” he said, adding that “continued efforts are expected to be made to maintain Hungary’s security and to ensure that the country is not involved in the war.”

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  1. Is Szijjártó just making waves to scare the elderly, or actually giving away NATO secrets? Either way, Hungary doesn’t belong in NATO anymore. Fidesz leaders cannot be trusted and refuse to do anything but take from the team, rather than contribute. Muck like Hungary does with the EU.

  2. I am sure that, if an Baltic nation / NATO Member is attacked, our Politicians will find a way to thwart any effort to defend them. Or have Hungary join in the effort. “Peace!” means throwing another nation under the bus is fair game (“it´s only a small country – Mr. Putin will stop after this!”)

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