

Election 2018 – Orbán: ‘we are not only electing a government and PM, but voting for a future’

Orbán said he had cast both his votes for #Fidesz as "the only #safe" #choice #Hungary #Hungarian #HungaryElection2018

Interview with the most supported opposition candidate, Gábor Vona

According to the chairman of #Jobbik, his #party is ready to govern #Hungary; however, if #Fidesz remains more will emigrate abroad. Gábor #Vona added that a Jobbik #government will protect #democracy and on his first official #visit he will go to #Austria or #Germany. #Hungary #Hungarian #HungaryElection2018 #Hungarian #Election2018 #partyleaderstalk #Orbán

Election 2018 – LMP: If Orbán remains in power, Europe ‘will bid farewell to Hungary’

LMP's PM candidate Szél said Orbán's "biggest #crime" had been to misuse #EU funds #Hungary #Hungarian #HungaryElection2018

’Then you get 600, clean’ – the Roma leader organized the election fraud?

The leader of the #Roma self-government #ORÖ wanted to get pro forma invoices of never happened #campaign events to support #Fidesz’s local #MP candidate with the gained #money on the #Sunday #election. #Hungary #Hungarian #HungaryElection2018 #Ibrany #Hungary #Hungarian #Election2018 #crime #fraud #publicmoney #corruption

Election 2018 – Fidesz group leader: Fidesz-KDNP will not form coalition with any opposition party

"If voters decide that we should not continue in #government then [...] uncertainty, chaos and instability would follow" #Hungary #Hungarian #HungaryElection2018 #vote

Election 2018 – Gyurcsány: If left wins, coalition talks must start on April 9

Former PM #Gyurcsány: That #government would be supported by the #opposition parties from the outside #Hungary #Hungarian #HungaryElection2018

Election 2018 – Fidesz likely to retain parliament majority with 112-123 seats

Jobbik is seen coming in second #hungary #hungarian #HungaryElection2018 #fidesz #parliament

Election 2018 – Orbán: Hungary needs united govt to face challenges

Orbán accused the global media, the #EuropeanUnion and "influential business interest groups" of attempting to help a weak coalition #government come to power after the April 8 general election #hungary #hungarian #HungaryElection2018

Election 2018 – All left-wing parties but LMP are open to coalition

LMP leader and #PM #candidate Bernadett Szél said that 'LMP had sought full-scale cooperation on the #opposition side but met with harsh resistance' #hungary #hungarian #HungaryElection2018

Election 2018 – Jobbik leader pledges anti-graft measures

"Lawmakers and government members would have to undergo an assessment of their wealth at the start and the end of the four-year governing cycle" #Hungary #HungaryElection2018 #Jobbik #campaign #corruption

Election 2018 – Civic Hungary remains ruling Fidesz’s main objective

"A civic #Hungary stands for preserving the national self-consciousness the country has fought hard for over the recent past" #HungaryElection2018 #Fidesz #campaign

Election 2018: PM candidate Karácsony promises fair competition, wages on jobs market

Karácsony vowed to adopt a long-term social and economic policy agreement that guarantees both workers and employers to take a step forward #Hungary #HungaryElection2018 #opposition #campaign

Election 2018 – LMP: Orbán cabinet belittles importance of environmental issues

"Behind the favourable macroeconomic indicators seen in recent years are serious structural problems" - #LMP #HungaryElection2018 #hungary #hungarian #fidesz #enviroment

LMP urges national solidarity instead of incitement to hatred

Governing #Fidesz's "#propaganda of hatred" had "reached a historical low" - #LMP #HungaryElection2018 #hungary #hungarian

The ambassador of Nigeria objects because of a Fidesz election forum

According to the #Nigerian #Embassy, #Fidesz uses unverified data about their country to achieve their political #propaganda #agenda #Hungary #Hungarian #Election2018 #election forum #Baranya county #Hoppal #Lomnici

Deputy PM Semjén’s Swedish hunt scandal is worsening

The owner of the #reindeer shot down by Deputy PM Zsolt Semjén sued the #Hungarian #minister while #Swedish minister for #education said that reindeers are domesticated #animals in #Sweden thus, shooting one of them is not #hunting. #Hungary #moose #fool-hen #corruption

Election 2018 – Leftist PM candidate Karácsony: Orbán cabinet lies, intimidates

"#Orbán was a former #Soros scholar, and I cannot imagine anyone who is more of a Soros agent than he" - PM candidate Karácsony #hungary #hungarian #hungaryelection2018

Hungary must not become ultimate migrant destination, says Foreign Minister

"Austrian interior minister had announced a policy to cut the number of asylum applications submitted in #Austria to zero" - FM Szijjártó #hungary #migration

Election 2018 – LMP promises comprehensive wage rises to health care workers

"Hungarians pay the most for medical treatment from their own pocket in Europe" #HungaryElection2018 #hungary #hungarian #lmp

Jobbik: If Orbán cannot clear his mafia government, he has to resign

This scandal may also explain why President Trump refused to meet Mr Orbán - Jobbik #fbi #usa #hungary #hungarian #corruption