

Hungarian government: Brussels should support North Africa coast guards over NGOs that transport migrants – UPDATED

Brussels should be financing the enhancement of the coast guards in north Africa instead of "NGOs that cooperate with people smugglers and migrants", the Hungarian government believes. #brussels #eu #migration #ngo #africa

„No Migration, No Gender, No War”, a Hungarian village greets visitors

The mayor of the village says 80% of the locals agree with the sign. Do you agree with it? #government #2024epelection #election #jánd #ukraine #war #gender #migration

Speakers at CPAC Hungary want to fight against ‘woke ideology, illegal immigration, anti-Semitism’

Do you agree with them? #cpac #conservatives

Ruling Fidesz is afraid of a migration wave towards Europe

Do you think the conflict between Iran and Israel could worsen? #war #middleeast #migration #fidesz

Hungarian methods used in the Dominican Republic against illegal migration?

Hungary and the Dominican Republic have formed "an alliance to protect their citizens against the hazards of illegal migration", the Hungarian foreign minister said in the country. #foreignminister #migration #DominicanRepublic

Hate speech? PM Orbán in Brussels: Hungary does not want a mixed society!

Would you live in a mixed society? #ViktorOrbán #brussels #conference #rightwing #natcon

Highly-skilled Hungarian workforce fleeing the country – cause for concern?

Despite the availability of 70,000 unfilled jobs, many in the Hungarian workforce try their luck abroad due to higher real wages and better living conditions - a trend that poses serious consequences for the economy.

PM Orbán: “we are fighting against the Soros empire”

PM Orbán said in Brussels that he and his government was fighting against the Soros empire. Do you believe him? #soros #orbán #government #migration #ukraine

The truth is out there – conspiracy theories in Hungary and why some believe them

Conspiracy theories often spread like wildfire on the internet. Here is a look at some of the most popular ones in Hungary. #conspiracytheories #disinformation

Foreign Ministers of Denmark and Hungary meet to discuss stopping illegal migration

Péter Szijjártó met his Danish counterpart Lars Lokke Rasmussen in Copenhagen, Denmark. They talked about illegal migration and many more topics:

Fidesz: Brussels is threatening us over migration pact

"Change is needed in Brussels; we need European leaders and EP members that will protect Europe and Hungary from migration and war," state secretary Barna Pál Zsigmond insisted.

PM Orbán slammed EU migration pact in Africa

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán assessed Europe's political situation in his speech at a Centrist Democrat International leadership meeting in Marrakesh. #orbán #migration #eu #europeanunion #morocco

Fidesz MEP Deutsch: Hungary ‘under attack’ for pro-peace stance

Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch thinks that Hungary is under attack for being "pro-peace", against "gender ideology" and illegal migration. #fidesz #europeanunion #politics

What’s happening? Police raid trains in Hungary – PHOTOS

Almost 700 trains were checked by police officers in the country. #railway #travel #train #police

Hungarian government outraged over the EU ‘migration pact’

The Hungarian government believes that the the European Parliament "is green-lighting illegal migration". #migration #eu #government

Orbán cabinet: Pro-peace and anti-migration shift on the EU stage would not be possible without a shift to the right

The coming local council and European Parliament elections will be crucial factors in Hungary’s fight to protect its sovereignty, the foreign minister said on Monday. Addressing […]

Minister Bóka: 2023 ‘year of failures’ for European Union

"Brussels abandoned European farmers and took sides with Ukrainian oligarchs."

Hungarian ancestry unveiled: Fascinating study links ancient Hungarians to Hun warriors

An international archaeogenetic research has without a doubt established that Hungarians are direct descendants of the formidable Hun warriors. Here are the details of the study. #Huns #Warriors #Lineage #History #Ancestry

Hungary’s Embassy in Cyprus reopens

Hungary and Cyprus “will never accept that the European Union should be divided up to first and second class member states,” Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said […]

Orbán government scares with migrants again: EU plans “pro-immigration campaign”

"Brussels is planning to accelerate the process of distributing migrants across member states," Bence Rétvári said. #Rétvári #europeanunion #eu #migration #migrants