

Winter Wonderland in Transylvania – PHOTO GALLERY

These photos will surely leave you speechless :) #Transylvania #nature #winter #photography

‘Transylvanian Hungarians know whom to vote for’, RMDSZ leader says

#romania #transylvania #Hungaryelection2018 #rmdsz

Socialists for preserving voting rights of ethnic Hungarians abroad

We will hopefully speak about all forms of #autonomy - #Socialists #mszp #transylvania #romania #voting #Hungaryelection2018

Hungarian pupils severely discriminated at the English language contest in Romania

Mikó Imre Minority Rights Legal Aid Service believes that in the 21st century discrimination is unacceptable under any circumstances #romania #hungary #hungarian #education #discrimination

Central Europe set model for world 450 years ago, says Hungarian parliament speaker

450th anniversary of the Torda Edict - the very first law to declare freedom of religion!

Medieval frescoes of Saint Ladislaus uncovered

Lóránd Kiss and his team found a centuries old wall-painting beneath thick layers of lime in Transylvania depicting the legend of Saint Ladislaus.

TODAY – 95th anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon

The Treaty of Trianon was the peace agreement on June 4th 1920 which formally ended World War I. between most of the Allies and the Kingdom […]