Ten Hungarian universities have been ranked among the best in the world

A total of ten Hungarian universities were included in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). Among them are names like ELTE, BME and SE.
The field rankings have been compiled since 2017, examining a total of 54 fields – the authors of the list mainly take into account the publishing activity, including the number of publications and their place of publication, citation, the proportion of publications in international cooperation and the number of significant awards in the field. This year’s ranking includes more than 1,800 from 4,000 universities in 93 countries/regions.
More and more international students are studying in Hungarian higher education. The number of students coming from outside of the border reached 38,000 by 2020 – said Tamás Schanda, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.
According to a statement published by MTI, one of the important commitments of the government’s Graduation Change in Higher Education strategy announced in 2014 was to increase the attractiveness of Hungarian education as part of the modernisation of academic life, and by 2023 40,000 foreign students to participate in higher education.
Their mass decision shines a further positive light on the current state of the higher education available in Hungary. We have innumerable amazing options, but the following ones are internationally recognised.
Like last year, Eötvös Loránd Science University was ranked among the best in the world in six fields. ELTE is in physics (101-150), mathematics (201-300), psychology (201-300), meteorology (301-400), biology (401-500) and ecology ( 401-500.) It is based on this data that ELTE is considered the best Hungarian university.
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics also specialises in mathematics and physics from 301-400th; and 201-300 in the field of mechatronics engineering.
The University of Debrecen gained its prized place in the field of Physics (301-400.) and environmental studies (401-500.).
Semmelweis University is in the 401-501. category in biology, (301-400.) in Human Biology, 201-300. clinical pharmaceutical sciences, in the outstanding 151-200. category with its dentist training and 201-300. in the field of pharmaceutical technology.
The University of Veterinary Medicine is in 201-300th place in the field of veterinary sciences; Szent István University also obtained the 201-300. place.
The University of Pécs is in the 201-300. range with the clinical pharmaceutical sciences course, 401-500 in the field of public health, and the University of Szeged in 401-500th place in clinical medicine.
The Corvinus University of Budapest is located at 301-400th place in economics and 301-400. in political science. CEU, in the 151-200. category has gained a place among the universities teaching economics, 76-100. in political science, 201-300. in psychology, 101-150. in governmental studies
Incidentally, most of the first places were won by American universities, which were ranked first globally in 30 disciplines, while Chinese institutions – increasing their number of first places by two – proved to be the best in 13 disciplines. This year, overall, Harvard topped the top 15, while the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) topped the podium in 6 disciplines.
Source: eduline.hu; hvg.hu