The beautiful Chain Bridge in the lights of Rio 2016

Budapest, April 26 (MTI) – Hundred days before the start of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, the Chain Bridge was lighted up in the yellow and green colours of the Brazilian flag.

By the decision of István Tarlós, Mayor of Budapest, almost two hundred illumination spots got a special, heat-proof foil cover on the bridge. With this Budapest joined the international initiation greeting the world competition.

Budapest, 2016. április 27. A brazil zászló sárga és zöld színével megvilágított Lánchíd 2016. április 27-én este, a riói olimpiai játékok kezdete elõtt száz nappal. MTI Fotó: Koszticsák Szilárd

According to the announcement, the 144 metal halide lamps on the mast body were illuminated in green, while the 52 lamps on the mast corona were illuminated in yellow. So the two prominent components of the Chain Bridge reflected the national colours of Brazil with the automatic public lighting. The bridge perfused Budapest with the yellow-green lights from 8 pm until 1 am.

Photos: MTI

Source: MTI

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