The latest, “incredibly strong and vicious attack” of the Hungarian “dollar left” was part of a political “madhouse”, an MEP of ruling Fidesz told public radio on Friday.
In the interview, Tamás Deutsch commented on a resolution adopted at the last session of the European Parliament before the elections raising concerns regarding the Hungarian judiciary, media and corruption.
He said the document “contains every lie and slander, levelled against Hungary by the Hungarian dollar left and their European comrades, liberals, communists and the European People’s Party which has joined the left.”
He said that the new aspect of the “attack” was an open request from representatives of the “Hungarian dollar left” to bar Hungarians from EU development funds, and to take away the monies “Hungarians could finally access this cycle.”
EU strips teachers of their wage hikes?
That step would strip teachers of their wage hikes, and newly elected local authorities could not access development funds, he said.
While it is unlikely that those funds would be blocked again, “Brussels often acts according to the logic of political authoritarianism,” he said. He cited the “Erasmus issue” as an example, insisting that Hungarian universities participating in the government reform were barred from the programme unlawfully. He insisted the aim was to harm the government and people of countries conducting policies unpopular in Brussels as a means to pressure them into changing those policies.
At the same time, despite all criticism from Brussels, Hungary’s government had won two-thirds majorities at elections, showing that leftist policies were not effective, he said.
He said he trusted that conservative, sovereigntist forces would prevail at the June 9 elections, putting an end to the “inglorious progressive liberal phase of the EU”.
Read also:
- Will SPAR withdraw from Hungary? Find out the answer here!
- Trump: Hungarians fight to save Western civilisation
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What else is new…? Another day, another attempt by the globalist-socialist sleazeballs to brainwash the native Westerners into hating themselves, their nations, and their histories, and to accept their own destruction.
We KNOW the History of Fidesz, that is an infestation of there being existence, that when CRITICIZED they immediately adapt – take a position of they are RIGHT always, and any CHALLENGE or questions OPPOSITION to them, is an undermining of there always RIGHTFULNESS.
We KNOW – the Sheer WRONGFULNESS of this “Self Belief” over years practiced buy the Fidesz Political Party under it’s Leadership, by the current Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban and his Fidesz led Government of Hungary.
The mounting PRESSURIZATION building on the entire name Fidesz, that gives “Twinkling’s” – that the citizens in Hungary in there thousands – in Cities, Villages and Hamlets, from “all stations in life” – are seeing, wanting to see and hopefully build to BELIEVE – the DESTRUCTION path this Orban – Fidesz Government have sent us on as a country, that has created the chaos and turmoil that FACTUALLY spread throughout Hungary being Economic & Financial and “all” other componentry, that is Hungary – the NEEDS of Hungary, the Needs daily of all Hungarians, that ALL are the Future of Hungary.
Be mindful, that as the PRESSURIZATION builds and builds on Orban and his Fidesz Government, they likened to the topic subject of this article, they will CLAIM there right, shifting moving BLAME wrongfully onto “others” – which we KNOW is there “Creed” of there existence.
Be mindful of in ALL probability coming out of the Orban Fidesz Government INCREASED practice of mis-truths, fabrication of truth, that when EXAMINED simple are LIES.
We, the citizens of Hungary we must PRACTICE as this quote messages – tells US :
“The TRUTH is like a Lion.
You don’t have to Defend it.
Let it Loose;
It WILL Defend itself.”
Have they – look at today, what OVERALL we are living in today in Hungary – have they NOT – over the course of 14 years in Government – have they this Victor Orban – Fidesz Government – have they not SHAMED and HUMILIATED our country ???
Have they NOT failed us – FAILED us – in our MILLIONS of Hungarians ???
Are we Not witnessing strong signs of Orbans “crazed” Political Ideologies – in his Distillation of Democracy – are we not seeing the BASTARDIZATION act(s) that Orban is or has done effected on Hungary ???
Orban – has or has not BASTARDIZE our country ???
The Chinese President comes, the growing “alignment” with “Mother Russia” accelerates.
Let us be LION like in SOLIDARITY.
Steiner Michael – and Hungary, the size of a “mustard seed ” in the overall make-up of the Family of European Country’s that we are rated 26th of the 27 members country’s of the European Union, a country, under the Political Party that you are of Membership that have DELIVERED us, descended us as a country to this APPALLING rating – and you make an IMPRUDENT statement expressed opinion in your commentary, that is Un-justified.
Is there a “liking” in your house, of the 1945-1989 way of life in Hungary ?
Does the “better half” have a preference being of Hungarian birth in the time frame of years I refer ?
Socialist EU cannot stand that Hungary remained a sovereign country. Hungary has paid the yearly membership fee and supported EU policies when possible. One thing to keep in mind that the standard a living has dropped under this EUP. There is no reason for Hungary to support bad socialists’ policies, e.g. uneducated criminal illegal invasion.
Many EU countries are losing their culture because of the overwhelming unassimilable Muslim population. This group do not respect EU women. The worst result is the rise in antisemitism, antisemitism which is tolerated in all western EU countries. Not only antisemitism tolerated, but many countries are also actually siding with the Gaza population, forgetting 70% of Gaza population supports hamas.
Many socialist bleeding-hearts are blaming Israel for the death of women and children. It is strange that the male population manages to avoid being killed. The explanation is that the male population of Gaza are cowards. When Israel notifies the people of the next target, the male members flee and hide in bunkers. They leave the women and children behind in building designated as targets. All real men save children and women. Population Gazan males are despicable cowards, they do not deserve any aid.