The government will make foreign companies leave Hungary in this sector

János Lázár, PM Orbán’s construction and transport minister, put it quite frankly in a press conference. They want foreign companies in the building material manufacturing sector to leave Hungary.

According to, Mr Lázár said their expressed purpose is to make foreign building material providers leave the Hungarian market. It was requested by many Hungarian professional organisations. He highlighted that the government would like Hungarian subcontractors to execute construction projects using Hungarian building materials. As a result, the profit could remain in the country. The time frame for that is only ten years, he added.

According to a chart made by ÉVOSZ (The National Federation of Hungarian Building Contractors), at the moment, only 10 percent of Hungary’s building material producers are Hungarians. In the case of building material traders, the rates are better (20 vs 80), while the subcontractors are mostly Hungarians (10 vs 90 percent).

The government would help Hungarian companies with direct money transfers and buy up foreign firms. Moreover, the cabinet is preparing a new construction bill in which they would like to clear the cornerstones of a patriotic economy policy. Lázár said he expected fierce attacks from Austrians and Germans in the issue.




  1. Foreign companies in any sector now know that at some future date this government can decide to force them out of Hungary. Why invest in Hungary? What does the government exactly mean when it says it “will help Hungarian companies with direct money transfers.” Are these loans or are they just handing over the money of Hungarian taxpayers for free to these Hungarian companies which I presume will have Fidesz connected owners? What is a “patriotic economic policy”? That sounds like a label to hide some form of stupidity that is going to cost Hungarians and rob the country. The Fidesz mafia government is hard at work muscling out foreign companies that invested in the country in good faith to enrich Hungarian oligarchs. This is the Russian model of governance which I am sure Orban has received plenty of advice about from his dear Russian friends.

  2. I like the thought form ,here in Canada foreign industry is robbing it . I agree work together as one country . Hungarians are self sufficient and yes they give you the money to rebuild . sweet right . gotta get the PM here into that . kudos. work together ,remove crime ,protect the women and children .eat drink and be merry ,follow the simple commands and live in peace .

  3. Margaretann is correct. As a Canadian, its actually more, untold foreign everything is robbing this country. At least Hungary cares enough about its future to plan ahead, rather than here, where our government gives away our oil dirt cheap and buys it back refined at a super premium over the country it sold it to in the first place. A don’t get me started on beef, gouged grocerie costs and lumber prices…

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