The most expensive real estate in Budapest

Interesting facts about the real estate market in 2019. The most expensive real estate can be found on Andrássy Avenue with an estimated price of 16,600,000 Euros. In contrast, the cheapest real estate is an almost decomposed house in Kétegyháza, which goes for 9,00 Euros.

Hvg reports that according to, 2019 was not a record year in real estate.

The number of real estates listings were more or less the same as last year, but demand was down by 9% since 2018. In the capital, supply was also down by 8%, in the countryside by 7%, and it was up by 8.5% in smaller towns and villages.

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The market can be incredibly fast at times. The fastest-selling real estate this year was a 33m2-apartment in District VII, Budapest. The apartment got sold within 22 hours for 90,000 Euros.

The most expensive real estate of the year can be found on Andrássy Avenue, Budapest.  It is a 2000m2 palace with 27 rooms. Its estimated price is 16,600,000 Euros.

The second most expensive real estate is an apartment complex worth 14,000,000 Euros. This apartment building is located on Rákóczi street; it houses 173 apartments.

In contrast, the cheapest real estate in the country is an almost decomposed house in Kétegyháza, Békés county. The owner would like to sell it for 9,00 Euros, which is the land price.

Read alsoStories to understand the Hungarian real estate market


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