The most modern science playground in the world to open in Budapest

The Párisi Mall (Párisi Nagyáruház) lies in the heart of Budapest, what is more, this building is a national cultural heritage. Therefore, it is no wonder that its more than 1500 square metres will have a unique function soon, as reports.

The most modern science centre moves to this building soon. Andrássy Experience Centre (Andrássy Élményközpont) will be the name of the new facility. It will host the world’s most modern science exhibition. The organisers have already bought the licence for the exhibition from Japan. The science playground got Future Park as a name. Furthermore, this experience centre will be the first one to open in Europe.

The company

The Párisi Mall will be renovated by the owner for the new inhabitants, the TulipFairy Production (TulipánTündér Produkció). This name is known in the industry in Budapest because it has already hosted many successful events. The company was founded in 2013 with the aim to create and bring unique entertainment shows to Hungary. An example for that is Játékkészítő (Toy Maker) that had decorations as in a Broadway supershow. Additionally, thousands watched the Dream Traveller (Álomutazó) as well.

science exhibition Andrássy Élményközpont

Interactive exhibitions

Gabriella Illyés, managing director of the company, said that they had been searching for a place to host events for a long time. Furthermore, there were already four interactive exhibitions in Budapest: the Champion, the Gateway to Space, the Living Dinosaurs, and the Gooól! (Goal!). These exhibitions took place at the Millenaris Park.


Because the Párisi Mall lies in a central area, it is also a good choice for holding events like these. The only big challenge of this project is the building itself because it was designed to fulfil very different needs. The Andrássy Experience Centre opens on the 28th of April.

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