The truck driver, who tried to run over migrants, spoke

According to the Hungarian truck driver, the video is tricky: he did not drive towards the refugees, but only carried out an “evasion maneuver”, wrote.

The Hungarian truck driver, who tried to run over the refugees at Calais on the video uploaded to YouTube, gave a phone interview to TV2’s morning show. He said he made the video for his friends, but afterwards he realized it was not so funny at all.

According to the truck driver, the video is tricky, since he did not drive towards the people, but only carried out an “evasion maneuver”.

The truck driver answered: he did not do anything he would regret. approached the driver’s employer, but the owner of the Slovakian company only briefly responded. They ordered him not to publish private opinions, political views on YouTube or anywhere else while working, especially not when he uses the company’s trucks.

based on the article of
translated by BA

Photo: Calais Emigrant vs. Drivers & EUROPA YouTube video
Copy editor: bm


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