PHOTOS, VIDEO: Thousands of years old treasure found near Kecskemét

Archaeologists of the Katona József Museum in Kecskemét are carrying out test excavations over 800 square metres, and have already made exciting discoveries at a depth of 40 centimetres.

During the excavation, archaeologists found settlements from three different periods, a Bronze Age bracelet and a skeleton between Kecskemét and Hetényegyháza – MTI reported quoting archaeologist András Kristóf Fazekas, head of the excavation.

The settlements discovered

One of the settlements dates back to the era of the Árpád dynasty (9th-10th centuries). Archaeologists excavating the site found traces of pits, ditches and houses with floors from this period.

Another excavated settlement dates back to the ancient times. This settlement was inhabited by the Sarmatians. Among the remains, archaeologists have identified objects similar to those found in the settlement from the Árpád-era.

The remains of the third settlement date back to the Bronze Age. Here they found a ditch that was probably dug during the Trojan War that took place in present-day Türkiye.

excavation kecskemét hungary
The excavation site near Kecskemét. Photo: Youtube

Further archeological discoveries from the Bronze Age

The archaeologists have also found a bracelet in the Bronze Age ditch. It may have been made in the second millennium BC. According to the archaeologist leading the excavation, the jewellery may have been lost when the ditch was dug. Along with the bracelet, Bronze Age pottery has also been found during the excavations.

bronze age bracelet
A Bronze Age bracelet. Photo: Youtube

In addition, they found a skeleton of a person from the same period. The date is assumed from the fact that in the Late Bronze Age, the bodies were placed in shrunken positions in the tombs. This skeleton was found in the same position, only 30 centimetres below the surface. As excavations are currently limited to a relatively small area, more skeletons may be found in the future.

Details of the excavation are revealed in the video report below.

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Source: MTI

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