Recent poll: Tisza Party gains momentum, outshining Hungary’s leading Fidesz Party

A survey conducted between 9 and 15 October with 1,000 participants reveals that the dominance of Hungary’s ruling Fidesz Party could be at risk, as the rising Tisza Party gains significant ground among key voter groups, particularly in urban areas and younger demographics. Here’s what a political analyst has to say about the newest numbers.
Tisza to leave Fidesz in the dust?
As Szeretlek Magyarország reports, a recent poll by the 21 Research Centre reveals that the Tisza Party has overtaken Fidesz among voters who are certain to cast their ballots, with 42 percent support compared to Fidesz’s 40 percent. However, among the broader population, the governing Fidesz party still holds the lead with 29 percent, while the Tisza Party trails at 26 percent.
Besides these two, only the Mi Hazánk Party (Our Homeland Party) would enter parliament, as other parties such as the Kétfarkú Kutya Party (Two-tailed Dog Party) and DK (Democratic Coalition) stand at 4 percent each. In the poll, 98 percent of Tisza Party voters believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, a sentiment shared by 71 percent of all respondents.
Demographical data
The recent poll also highlighted party preferences across demographics. The Tisza Party holds a strong lead over Fidesz among younger voters aged 18-39, while Fidesz dominates among those aged 65 and over. Educational attainment also shows a divide, with Fidesz leading among those with primary and secondary education, whereas the Tisza Party is favoured by voters with higher qualifications. A surprising finding is the geographic breakdown: Fidesz leads only in villages and smaller municipalities, while the Tisza Party has overtaken them in the capital, county capitals, and other cities.

Political analyst reacts to the poll’s results
Szeretlek Magyarország also writes that political analyst Gábor Török noted on Facebook that while the Tisza Party’s lead falls within the margin of error, this marks the first time in 18 years that such a result has emerged. He also highlighted that opinion polls not only reflect political realities but can influence voter decisions and political behaviour. The survey data, particularly regarding gender, age, education, and location, offer insights into the shifting dynamics between Fidesz and the Tisza Party.
According to Török, the poll shows a notable gender divide: Fidesz remains more popular among women, with 30 percent supporting the ruling party, compared to 22 percent backing the Tisza Party. Conversely, men tend to favour the Tisza Party, with 31 percent supporting it compared to Fidesz’s 27 percent. Additionally, women are more likely to be undecided voters, with a third of them unsure, while only a quarter of men fall into this category. This gender gap, along with other demographic factors, illustrates the fascinating competition between Hungary’s leading political parties.

Tisza MEPs ‘voted for migration, against Hungarians’, says Fidesz MEP
MEPs of the opposition Tisza party have voted “in favour of migration and against Hungarians” several times in the European Parliament, the head of the Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) delegation said on Thursday, adding that Tisza MEPs voted to speed up the implementation of the EU’s migration pact at the EP vote on the 2025 EU budget.
Tamás Deutsch told Hungarian journalists that Tisza MEPs also supported an EU proposal to raise by 10 billion euros funds for ensuring the welfare of migrants. In another vote, they supported a proposal “that says it was right to fine Hungary for 200 million euros for rejecting migration and for operating legal and physical barriers to keep migrants out.”
Further, Tisza MEPs voted against a proposal to allocated 2 million euros to fund Hungary’s maintenance of the border fence, he said.
The opposition MEPs were ready “to fulfil EU expectations and help turn Hungary into an immigration country by forcing it to allow in illegal migrants. We will not allow that, and we will thwart Tisza’s attempts,” Deutsch said.
Fidesz MEP Csaba Dömötör noted that Tisza had earlier said that they would align their position with that of the European People’s Party. “Their alignment to Brussels means more migration, more war expenditures and less financial support for Hungary. Rather than giving up a little bit of sovereignty, this spells damage that will be hard to repair,” Dömötör said.
“Those who hold dear Hungary’s sovereignty, culture and financial independence can only count on the MEPs of Fidesz-Christian Democrats,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Fidesz delegation said in a statement that the “leftist majority of the EP voted for a war budget” in a vote on budget amendments. “This budget will finance ongoing institutional blackmail, the rule-of-law jihad, the madness of gender ideology and woke, and the Soros network,” the statement said.
Meanwhile, Fidesz rejected the amendments in line with its Patriots for Europe party family, it said.
PfE MEPs have also called for the monies Hungary is entitled to be paid as soon as possible, and guarantees that those sums would not be spent for other purposes, the statement said. They have also called for the “discriminative decision” excluding Hungarian universities, researchers and students from the Horizon and Erasmus programmes, it said.
Read also:
- Péter Magyar rallies opposition at Budapest demonstration, calling for change in 2026
- Orbán’s challenger Magyar: Fidesz has cheated the Hungarian people
We all see the hypocrit, traiterous look in that Peter Magyars’ eyes.
He is the bitch of the liberal traitors from the West.
He will ruin Hungary and destroy our heritage.
They should arrest this traitor and send him and his terrorist-party to the gulag
TRUTH, truth, truth – Tisza Party – fight him Victor Mihaly. Orban on TRUTH.
Peter Magyar – can’t alone – can’t HUMANLY be EXPECTED to – which he has already clearly STATED – carry ALL on his shoulders – the message of CHANGE, across the board NEEDED in Hungary.
“The Captain will only succeed with a CREW of QUALITY”.
Tisza – MUST – right through the “rank & file” of the GROWING, like an Un-stoppable Freight Train – supporters MUST fight this “Heinous” Orban led Fidesz Government on TRUTH.
TRUTH & Facts – the REVERSAL to what we as a country have endured / suffered / insulted & humiliated / abused & LIED to – from this Orban – Fidesz Government.
Hungary – we have been FAILED.
WHAT have they DELIVERED us – personally and as a country ?
Answer : a Cataclysmic Financial & Economic DISASTER that the entire infrastructure / componentry of Hungary’s Economy is in CHAOS.
Hungarians – of ALL ages – in Cities, Towns Villages and Hamlets – have YOU – your Family and Hungary as a country benefited from the 15 years of the Orban – Fidesz Government ?
Remember – factually we have 1.1 million Hungarians LIVING in Poverty.
We are Hungary – an “Ageing” Society.
Hungary – we have NO population GROWTH – yearly deaths the trend over the 15 years under the Orban – Fidesz Government still outnumber new “little ones” being born.
Orban – his Fidesz Government – are NOT a DEMOCRATIC Party.
Orban – the deeper his relationships and partnerships have GROWN with Communist Governed – China & Russia, confirmed through the European Union from the “Acts of Crime” judged through the Court of Justice of the European Union that – Victor Mihaly. Orban was NOT Prime Minister of a country practicing totally DEMOCRACY.
Orban has focused on the DISTILLATION – eradication of Hungary being a DEMOCRACY that now we are viewed as a country, under a GROWING dictatorship regime that catapults us towards being under Laws of Communism.
Orban – the Fidesz Party – have SOLD us out to China and Russia that FACTUALLY exposed leaves us as a country with a GARGANTUAN – Government DEBT.
REMEMBER – in talking DEBT – the Debts of Fines, through non-compliance to the Laws of Membership to the European Union, through the Orban – Fidesz Governments “acts of Fraud” and “other” – these Debts that are of a compound interest structure GROW and GROW daily on Hungary and are HUMONGOUS.
Orban – the Fidesz Government DEBT – a debt of the tax payers of Hungary – PERILOUS.
Hungary our FUTURE – must be as a DEMOCRACY.
Peter Magyar – is LEADING us representing us SPEAKING Truth.
Tisza Party – the “Fight” we mount and build on against the Orban – Fidesz Government – must be in ALL aspects – ALL practices as an opposition political party – in a country as we FACTUALY are – with one foot over a nadir blackening ugly hole – driven by TRUTH.
Tisza – Hungarians at this time in our HISTORY individually and as a country – the word the meaning of the word TRUTH – we have to ensure PRACTICED.
Tisza – if we don’t – PERILOUS plus for the country known as Hungary.
Hungarians – history, which NEVER Lies, tells us – re-educates us, that without TRUTH there can’t be TRUST.
Truth, Trust and Faith of our COMMITTMENT – the NEED to conduct our position as an OPPOSITION Party under the “Core” of our message to ALL Hungarians.
To SAVE us as a country, provide opportunities that legitimate us in HAVING a FUTURE as a country, for us personally, our Families, our Grand-children our loved ones and ALL Hungarians.
The FUTURE – direction we choose to take through a GOVERNMENT – that Must, must, must – be DRIVEN by an ETHOS or a CREED that asks and acts UNDER :
(1) – in Policy decision making – what’s BEST for ALL Hungarians.
and secondly;
(2) – what’s BEST for Hungary.
Hungary – we HAVE been FAILED.
What is most satisfying about this survey is that opposition votes are going to Tisza and not to Gyürcsányi’s bogus coalition. When will Mr G take the hint and leave the stage, taking Klárika with him?
Totally agree with you, De echte man. You see clearly, unlike the liberal leftists.
Falland – Concur.
A continuation in being a gargantuan NEGATIVE are both – in any possibility of Hungary – moving forward, re-moving throwing out the current Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary.
Gyurcsany – long as his name has association in the Hungarian Political “environment” especially the Party he leads – he will DO Damage.
He has NO platform – nothing to give nor offer POLITICS in Hungary – in these times and the “questionable” Future.
Gyurcsany – had he CHANCE and showed at the end of his Prime Ministership his total lack of ABILITY to be in office as the Prime Minister of Hungary.
He was a DISASTER.
He and his wife – remove yourselves for DAMAGE you continue to “Feed” into Politics in Hungary rather than playing ROLES to – move us on, get us out of this QUICKSAND as a country we are at this time.
Let’s be clear, it only shows there is just one party that really serves Hungarian interests these days, Mi Hazánk!