Two new medical baths are enriching Lake Balaton’s surroundings!

Hungary has no shortage of spas, thermal baths and medical baths, and this will be even more true from now on. The last time the list of domestic medical baths was expanded was two years ago. This year, two of our existing domestic spas have been awarded the medical bath qualification, both at Lake Balaton.

The last time the number of domestic medical baths was expanded was two years ago, and this year two of our already operating spas have been awarded the medical bath certification, both of them are located at Lake Balaton, Termál Online reports. In 2020, the thermal spa in Tamási, Tolna County, was awarded the title of a medical bath, and now the list has been extended to include a spa in Veszprém County and a spa in Somogy County, Travelo writes.

Marcali Municipal Spa and Recreation Centre, Marcali

Marcali Municipal Spa and Recreation Centre
Source: Facebook/Marcali Városi Gyógyfürdő és Szabadidőközpont

One of them is the thermal bath in Marcali, 14 kilometres southwest of Lake Balaton. The bath already offers certified thermal water. However, for those who would like to visit the spa during the end-of-year festive season, it is worth noting that it will be closed between 19 December and 7 January.

Annagora Aquapark, Balatonfüred

annagora aquapark balatonfüred
Source: Facebook/Annagora Aquapark

The other spa that has been awarded this rating is the Annagora Aquapark in Balatonfüred. The spa has so far been seasonal, operating only during the summer beach season, but thanks to the medical bath title, it is now likely to expand its profile.

The title of medical bath

Medical bath is often used as a synonym for thermal bath. However, in fact, it is a legal category that can only be obtained through a formal procedure. A medical bath can be a place where medicinal water, medicinal mud or other natural therapeutic agents are present and where spa treatments are provided through thermal, mineral or even heated public water.

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Source: Termál Online, Travelo

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