Bloodthirsty and rebel – Hungarians in the 18th century
According to, contemporary German innkeepers described Hungarians as bloodthirsty, rebel, having modest intellectual abilities, but they know Latin well.
In terms of morals, the Hungarians are unfaithful, bloodthirsty, rebel and their intellectual abilities are modest. That you may know from the document called “Brief description of peoples in Europe and their characteristics” from the 18th century, which was looked for by curator Kata Oltai for Fortunately, there are also good things written about us: the country is rich in fruits and gold, the Hungarians speak Latin well and abound in everything. You can find out things about several other peoples: for example, Germans imitate everything, the Spanish are haughty and the French spend their time with swindle.
“The »Volkertafel « from Styria was probably posted on pubs walls, roadside inns and on other places where a wide range of people met” – Historia magazine wrote, whose 1987 issue published the document. “The task of Volkertafel was to provide some instruction for the German native to how to treat strangers. This is an explanation of what to expect a person, what should be taken care of during contacts with him and – above all – how he can be recognized. The latter was helped by the portrayal of the costumes.
The depiction of Hungarians is not too flattering. This could be part of that during the various struggles for independence of the 16-17th centuries (on the occasions of the Transylvanian princes’ raids), Styrian areas were heavily exposed to the devastating invasion of the Hungarians and the Kuruc. On the other hand, the population of Southern Styria – lying on the cattleman road to Italy – came into contact with the cattlemen, who were not the most attractive type of people.
It can be consolatory that the board is no gentler with other Eastern Europeans as well. The Poles, for example, are described as rustic, having modest intellectual abilities, boastful and indomitable who spend their time mostly with quarrels. But, for instance, the author does not paint a favorable picture of the French too, when you consider that in addition to their positive characteristics, they are described as frivolous, childish and fraudulent who spend their time mostly with swndle.
based on the article of
translated by BA