Budapest is one of the friendliest cities of the world

According to, Conde Nast Travelers makes a list of the most friendly and unfriendly cities of the world. Although Hungarians consider even the most fractious American cities nice places, the Americans like Budapest.
Readers of Conde Nast Travelers think rigidness of local people, the lack of intent to help and crime make cities unfriendly. But even the weather can influence someone to have an opinion of a place, the editors ask the people to ignore that.
Cities with large airports are often on the negative lists, because many people just transfer there and what they experience from the airport staff, they projected it to the entire city. This is especially true for the American cities. Other influencing factors are the geopolitical situation (Moscow), language barriers (France) and the complications of the city’s transport network (Moscow, Beijing).
On a global level, the most unfriendly city is Johannesburg (South Africa) on the 2014 list, the main reason is crime. Because of that, free movement is not possible in the city. Many people also complain about the quality of the services, moreover, tip is expected as well.
The second one is the gem of the French Riviera, Cannes. The reason is said to be the disappointingly unfriendly behavior of the locals.
Moscow became the third because of geopolitical reasons, the editors said. The Russian capital is followed by Paris. Parisians are described arrogant and rude. A reviewer thinks the locals “didn’t move an inch to help”. The next cities of the list are Marseille, Beijing, Frankfurt, Milan, Monte Carlo and Nassau (capital of The Bahamas).
Budapest is almost on the top 10 list of the friendliest cities of the world. Budapest is described as regal, majestic and breathtaking; the locals are seen as nice and friendly. In particular, youthfulness was appreciated which gives the atmosphere of a world city. Moreover, tourist think even the drives are courteous, said.
The first and the second are – with equal points – Melbourne and Auckland. The third is Victoria, Canada, the fourth is Charleston (USA). The fifth are – also with equal points – Dublin and Sydney.
The American Travel+Leisure magazine asked the readers on the American cities. New York leads the negative list, while Nashville is the friendliest city of the USA.
based on the article of
translated by BA
“Budapest is described as regal, majestic and breathtaking; the locals are seen as nice and friendly. In particular, youthfulness was appreciated which gives the atmosphere of a world city. Moreover, tourist think even the drives are courteous, said.”
We agree,the only thing is missing are the SMÄ°LES!!!!!