Counter-terrorism unit apprehends gang members in possession of automatic weapons, explosives

Budapest, November 24 (MTI) – The counter-terrorism unit TEK apprehended six people, members of gangs in possession of automatic weapons, explosives and ammunition last weekend.
TEK told MTI in a statement on Tuesday that it had intensified reconnaissance activities since the Paris terror attacks of November 13.
The automatic weapons, explosives and ammunition have been seized. A court on Tuesday ordered the preliminary detention of two of the arrested and a decision on the others is expected later.
TEK has confirmed increased security provided to protected persons until the end of the current series of counter-terrorism operations.
TEK chief director Janos Hajdu told public television M1 that two people were apprehended on Friday who had automatic weapons in their vehicle. Experts identified these as live firearms and ammunition and silencers were also found in the men’s possession.
In a seperate incident, which Hajdi said had international links, four people were apprehended travelling in a car towards Budapest on Saturday. They had exlosives in the car and a house search revealed that they had a laboratory for making explosives that are “perfectly capable of killing humans”.
He said an investigation is still under way to identify if there were links between the two groups and if there are more people involved.