SHOCKING: Hungary’s guest worker numbers exposed!

The Ministry of Economy stated that, based on their data, there are currently 120,000 guest workers in Hungary. However, recent statistics from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) present significantly lower figures.

As reported by Portfolio, the Department for National Economy has suggested that around 120,000 guest workers are currently in active employment in Hungary. Conversely, the KSH analysis reveals that in 2023, the count of employees with foreign citizenship rose by 11,700 to 92,700 compared to the previous year. This increase is attributed to a significant influx of workers from third-world countries.

This figure is nearly 30,000 lower than the one reported by the Ministry of National Economy. The influx of foreign workers in the country has been growing at an accelerating rate since 2021, as per the Hungarian Central Statistical Office.

According to Index, State Secretary Czomba SĂ¡ndor stressed that guest workers are only permitted in occupations facing shortages where local and EU labour is insufficient. Hungarian job protection measures include quotas, country lists and restrictions on substituting long-term workers with guest workers.

Legislations aims to prevent the erosion of Hungarian wages by ensuring that the remuneration for third-country nationals does not significantly differ from the national average, thus maintaining competitiveness for Hungarian workers in the labour market.

How does the number add up?

In Hungary, there is a notable influx of workers from the Philippines, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan, while the numbers from Ukraine, Slovakia and Romania are dwindling. The Filipino workforce has seen a remarkable surge from 1,100 in 2022 to nearly 6,300 in 2023.

This trend solidifies Hungary’s position as a significant destination for foreign workers, with Vietnamese and Kyrgyz nationals also constituting a considerable portion of the incoming workforce. Despite this surge, Hungary boasts the lowest proportion of third-country workers among the VisegrĂ¡d Group (V4), with only 2.6% of the workforce comprising foreign nationals, compared to 3.8% in Slovakia, 6.4% in Poland and 17% in the Czech Republic.

Why opt for guest workers?

According to Portfolio, Hungary is facing a labour shortage that experts believe will worsen in the coming years due to a declining working-age population and heightened demand from expanding industries.

Both employers and workers agree that importing guest workers is necessary, albeit they differ on the approach. Trade unions advocate for stricter regulations, while company representatives prioritise access to foreign labour.

As of February, there were 80,000 unfilled jobs in Hungary, yet the quota for guest workers this year is set at 65,000, with only an anticipated 45,000 to 50,000 permits to be used. The regulated inflow of labour is deemed necessary, yet safeguarding Hungarian jobs remains a priority.

The dwindling Hungarian workforce is highlighted by instances of Hungarian workers being replaced by foreigners in certain companies. The consensus is that the labour shortage can only be mitigated through the employment of guest workers.

Read also:

  • Hungarian foreign minister: Trinidad and Tobago key player in EU’s LNG supply – HERE
  • Hungary to enter into alliance with Panama against emergence of blocs in the world, says Foreign minister SzijjĂ¡rtĂ³ – HERE


  1. Good excuse to flood Hungary with those from the third-world, the same that they have done in the West. The ones who are doing this are motivated by nothing but profit and/or hatred of Europeans! The outcome is predictable: dirty, crowded, and unsafe streets and public transport, increase in violent crimes perpetrated by foreigners against Hungarians, lowering and stagnation of wages, massive increases in the cost of living, overstretched demand on public services, i.e. crowding on public transport, extended and unreasonable waiting times in hospitals, long ques in shops and officies, etc, etc, etc…….
    All in all, import the third-world, become the third-world. Enjoy!

  2. Note: These are LEGAL migrants. I still think we should’ve imported them from places like Moldova, Serbia, Macedonia, etc., though, not from literally the other side of the globe.

  3. Johnny & Michael, I am not sure firstly if you are Hungarians secondly, if you are and you are not married (assuming you are above 30 years old) and have at least two children, then I truly suggest sentencing you of hypocrisy would be a good choice. You are the main cause of having this problem in Hungary. alongside your ignorance and illiteracy.

  4. What’s missed is how such workers are temporary, but pay taxes and related to support budgets, healthcare and pensions for more retirees vs fewer working age; same workers will not have access to social security in long term so, ‘net financial contributors’ similar to international students, long term temporary residents, expat professionals and tourists.

  5. All what i can saynto fidesz supoortees is: enjoy what you have voted for! Remember my words, those immigrants will find to way to stay either in Hungary or europe, and then we will here the same silly speach about soros, the left etc, ohhh the hypocrisy.

  6. You are right Johnny! It is a agenda! First in the West now in this part of Europe!

    Fidesz knew that allowing those big international companies, who take their capital out, into Hungary would be causing a problem, because they knew foreign guest workers are needed. So it is a bog scam!

    Yes, Mr Souza I am Hungarian as my name shows, and I contributed to the continuation of the ethnic Hungarians. Although, a foreigner shouldn’t lecture us about immigration and children. Be focussed on your own country and ethnic kin.

  7. ALL part of the CRAZED Political Ideas and Philosophy’s – Ideology – of Victor Mihaly. Orban – his Fidesz Government of Hungary.
    REMEMBER – a fact what Orban is attempting to STABLIZE – the population DECLINE of Hungary, by these Guest Worker Policy’s.
    The below FACTS are ALL in Orbans thought process” bought on by his, his Fidesz Governments DISASTERIOUS Policy making throughout his/there !$ plus years in Government.
    – (1) an AGEING population.
    – (2) greater number of yearly deaths of DNA Hungarians, that “new born” DNA Hungarian Babies.
    – (3) Marriage numbers yearly on the Decline.
    – (4) DNA people exiting, leaving Hungary, from “all stations in life” remains an on-ging STRONG Trend.
    The factors for this IDIOTIC guest worker(s) Policies – the LONG term humongous damage it will PLACE on Hungary through the somewhat PANIC Policy making on Migration/Immigration numbers into Hungary, by the Orban – Fidesz Government = APPALLING.
    It can’t be DISMISSED, as history never lies, and in the case of the Oligarchy Hierarchy Powers in the Orban – Fidesz Government, what percentage of these Guest Workers have been “picked up” as cheap labour, employed by companies and operations and “other, that are part of the Oligarch “empire” that run Hungary, tell Orban and his Fidesz Government, the “running” and GOVERNING of Hungary ???
    Of the listed companies (9) nine in fact, on the Hungarian Stock Exchange – what number of (9) nine are controlled by the Oligarch ???
    Incased in ALL of these but few referred – gargantuan MISTAKES – that have PRESSURIZED continue to do so, the future of Hungary, by Policy introduction by the present Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Mihaly. Orban and his Fidesz Government, is the FACT, the Orban drive to bring about effect the DISTILLATION of Democracy in Hungary.
    Orban is “driving” – propelling Hungary deeper into relationships with the Communistic Governed country’s of China and Russia.
    Hungary’s “place” of European Union Membership REMAINS with one foot over the Cliff and the “other” loosing rapidly it’s holding, before it ALL falls into the Nadir, or the Abyss – that will be Perilous for Hungary – the Future of Hungary.
    Orban – we know his, his Fidesz Governments – there DESIMATION of long long RELATIONSHIPS with country’s previous with Hungary, that all – that factually remain – are principally building with Russia and China.
    We KNOW the STATE of the Economy.
    We KNOW – the Orban Fidesz Government – have NO money.
    We KNOW the CORE ingredients in the functionality of the Financial and Economic “landscape” of Hungary is STUFFED.
    We KNOW the FORINT is pressurized, and sooner that later 400 mark against the Euro will HAPPENING.
    SIMPLE – we have been RUINED, and we continue to take a “passive” citizens position to its on-going TREND.

  8. Geza, applying your same logic, what do Hungary politicians want to lecture everyone else? Is ok Hungary has its point of view but i have been always critical about the lies and hypocrisy of this government. Just take a look

    Profamiliy and christian values vs pardon of a pedophile helper the last year

    Anti guest workers(please find yourself the speech of orban in 2017) vs importing thousands now

    Respect to woman vs orban offering single hungarians girls to americans in CPAC 2022

    Hungary asks reapects to it’s sovereignty but fidesz can bully to ukraine and ask to vote for trump, ohhhh and they can bring Chinese police

    And i can continue with more and more silly things fidesz does.

    Why are these guys still in power?

    Are hungarians so blind or what?

  9. The GROWING of the word applied to DNA Hungarians – it’s BASTARDIZATION.

  10. Hungarian DNA, is 75% non-Magyar DNA. The DNA makeup of most Hungarians is German, Slavic, Turkish, Jewish, Romani…, oh and maybe some Magyar. And that is why Hungarians are such a diverse looking group of people. Hungarians are beautiful and awesome. Who cares about the DNA of your community?

  11. Idiots, one and all. Hungary, Hungarians, wake and and smell your history. It stinks. Why do you all say its so special? Unique perhaps but uniquely what? Uniquely wrong headed over and over, Support the Hapsburg’s, support Hitler, support Putin and Xi. Go for it, idiots, enjoy the moment until you wake and smell what your history really smells of…

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