Péter Magyar: Does emergence of ex-husband of former justice minister Judit Varga weaken Fidesz?

Ruling Fidesz has retained its 47-percent lead over the opposition parties, whereas Péter Magyar who has emerged in Hungarian politics has divided voters on the left, according to a fresh poll released by the Nézőpont Institute on Friday.
In the poll conducted by phone between 26-28 February and between 2-4 April on a sample of 1,000 adults, Nézőpont noted that three weeks ago Magyar had announced that he would set up a party and run in the upcoming European parliamentary elections.
Péter Magyar’s party would get lots of votes
Nézőpont said that at an election held this Sunday, Magyar’s party would garner 13 percent of the vote, the same as the joint list of the Democratic Coalition, the Socialist Party and Párbeszéd. The satirical Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party has a backing of 11 percent, while Momentum, “the biggest loser” on the change in the political scene, was at 4 percent (down from 7 percent in February) and thus below the EP threshold of 5 percent.
“While Magyar tries to position himself as a centre party, he has failed to win the support of ruling party supporters. His supporters come from among the camp of voters supporting left wing parties,” Nézőpont said.
Radical right-wing party Mi Hazánk has had 6 percent, just clearing the parliamentary threshold, down from 8 percent in February, Nézőpont said.
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- CPAC Hungary to host US Senator, Congressmen, European party leaders
- Another big protest by Péter Magyar was organised against the government – UPDATED
Building a party and movement takes time. The two year period until the next national election will be enough time for Peter Magyar to organize to win the election. That someone who was completely unknown a few weeks ago can now poll 13% is a considerable achievement. The slow drip of scandals, the continuing decline of living standards, the breakdown of public services be it health care, education and public transit will all gradually wear on support for Fidesz while Magyar makes himself better known among the electorate and puts forward a platform for reform that is badly needed. He is young and energetic and has inside knowledge of the corrupt Fidesz elite. Fidesz has been putting out hysterical propaganda about him which is backfiring because it is obvious to everyone that is manufactured. Good luck Peter Magyar. Hungary needs you and needs to escape its’ corrupt dictatorship.
What Hungarians have to get there heads around, is there knowledge of the PROPAGANDA machine Orban / Fidesz use to FEED absolute diabolical Lies and Falseness out into the “minds and heads” of Hungarians.
Orban / Fidez Government, there USE of Veiling – Fact & Truth- by propaganda.
Hungarians must just simple focus on the 14 years the Orban / Fidesz “mob” have been in POWER what THEY have delivered, at this point in time, which is the on-going deepening of an EROSION process – the delivering to us Hungary, by the Orban / Fidesz Government, a Economic & Financial cataclysmic MESS that we Hungary “factually” are in.
We know the European Union – “Tug of War” – and that there can be just one WINNER and that is DEMOCRACY, which “crashes” out the Orban / Fidesz Government of Hungary.
We know that Democracy is Dialogue, which throughout 14 plus years in Government, that the Orban / Fidesz Government have NEVER, never, never practiced Dialogue.
We know the N.A.T.O.- deepening differences of opinion.
We know the changes Orban wants to make to Schengen.
We know, the on-going disintegration of the Hungarian relationship with the United States of America.
We know the growing pressurization on the Forint.
We know the relationship of the Central Bank of Hungary and Orban / Varga – grows in differing opinions on Monetary Management.
We know the sustaining of Interest Rates at there current level is HIGH Risk.
We know the mounting PRESSURIZATION on the entire Hungarian Economy looks like a “time bomb” ready to explode.
We know the Orban / Fidesz Government, there “Games” with Educators & Education all the broken promises – they have NO money to INVEST into Education.
We know that the Orban /Fidesz Government are literally “hinging” on being an INSOLVENT Government.
We know a “crippled” Government under Orban and his Finance Minister – Mihaly Varga – of there doings, design and FAILINGS – that NEEDS of day to day life in Hungary, investment into Public Health, Hospitals Public Services. Public Transport, Education and numerous “other” citizens needs associated to quality of life, that the Orban / Fidez Government simple DON”T have the Money.
We know public community Services will continue to rapidly DECLINE – through no Funds to Invest.
We know Orban / Fidesz wants to like the media, the judiciary – the rule by decree – we KNOW they want to run Education.
We know that Orban / the Fidesz Government have DESTROYED relationships with ALL Democratic Governed Country’s.
We know the growing relationship with Russia and China – that gives us VERY clear knowledge and understanding that the Distillation process of Orban to CRUSH Democracy in Hungary, and function under a Dictatorship will happen, if Orban is ALLOWED to have his way – sooner than later.
We know un-employment is on the rise again.
We know the continual HIGH numbers of younger Hungarians, from all sectors of life, that are LEAVING Hungary, that see no Future for them, there Families, there careers – that centers back on THEM saying – we see no FUTURE in Hungary.
We know that over 15 plus years our population numbers decline being greater number of deaths yearly as opposed to babies being born.
We know the FACTUAL picture of the Real Estate Property Market is under humongous Duress.
We know the SELLERS over Buyers ration is of massive disproportion – unbalanced, not in equilibrium.
We know the Foreign Investment in the Hungarian Property remains extremely cautious, skeptical, doubting distrustful – through the deepening volatility of the ENTIRE Hungarian Economic & Financial outlook.
NOTHING in FACT it will worsen can STEM – to restrain, the un-favourable, undesirable, the Erratic massive DECLINE – across the entire componentry of the Hungarian Economy.
Hungary, we can’t continue along a path to continue our support for this Orban / Fidesz Government – to re-elect them as a Government, through Fact’s and Truth, that openly exhibits, displays and exposes to us – what the Orban / Fidesz Government.
Hungary, it can’t HAPPEN the re-appointment of a Government – the Orban / Fidesz Government – WHO have are the CREATORS of the gargantuan MESS as a country we find our-selves, that will WORSEN.