Weird Hungarian habits that shock foreign people

There are many Hungarian habits which freak foreigners out when they first hear, see, or encounter them. These include the traditional Hungarian food mákos guba and the sweet delicacy túró rudi, or celebrating name days.

Magyarországom collected the weirdest Hungarian habits according to foreigners’ opinions. The first thing which caught their eye is the sweet delicacy called túró rudi, which is a Hungarian dessert: cottage cheese covered with chocolate. Without it, Hungarians cannot imagine their lives at all.

For a foreigner, it is weird to cover cottage cheese with chocolate and to eat it.

túró rudi
Read alsoCottage cheese and chocolate – the story of Túró Rudi

Another foreigner emphasised that, unlike other big cities, dog excrement cannot be found on the streets of Budapest. They believe that Hungarian dogs are trained to do their thing near a bush or under a tree while they are on a walk in the city with their owners. They say that Budapest is an extremely clean city, and maybe there is someone who cleans up the mess every day. This foreigner also reported that the quality of Hungarian food is amazing and – even though it is not a traditional Hungarian food – ate more pizzas than back in New Orleans.

This man also stated that in the USA, the waiters usually come to you at a restaurant, talk to you for a few minutes, and then leave the table. Hungarian waiters, on the other hand, come, take your order, and leave.

Read alsoYummy! These are the best restaurants in Budapest

Other weird Hungarian things include the paper-stick on pieces of bread, the delicious mákos guba, and clapping for the aeroplane pilot after landing. From a video, it turned out that the famous American rapper, 50 Cent, was shocked when he first saw a Negro candy because he thought it was some kind of racist joke (Negro candy is black-coloured).

Read alsoRecipe of the week: Mákos Guba

An Argentinian man found fruit soup weird and even sent a picture to his relatives to make them believe what he was about to eat. Foreigners also find the Hungarian sour cream (tejföl) weird which is used in many meals. They also find it weird that Hungarians sit many hours in darkness, in an overheated office, that we stand too close to others when we are waiting in line, and that we do not use headphones while we are making a phone call.

The weirdest Hungarian habit above all is that Hungarian people blow their noses loudly.

Read also10+1 Hungarian customs that everybody else finds weird

Featured image: Daily News Hungary



  1. I do not understand and I am an Hungarian-American. I love cottage cheese, chocolate, sour cream and cherry soup! When I eat in a restaurant I hate when the waiter or waitress stand speaking me. I just want my order taken and them to leave. Our food is no weirder then other countries.

  2. Hungarian waiters are normal. It’s American waiters who are different. And perhaps Hungarians are good at picking up after their dogs. I hope to visit Hungary one day–I think I would like it.

  3. I am a Hungarian Canadian and I also love sour cream, plum dumplings, cherry soup, chicken paprikas and many other Hungarian delicacies. My Mom made a most delicious Dobos torta. Poppy seeds are used in many ways in Hungarian cooking. This food is delicious but definitely not weird. I have no problem with waiters wanting to chat.

  4. I live in Budapest. 13th district is the poo district. I witnessed people clapping when landing all over the world. And a lot of people use headphones to call in Hungary. The rest is just food, and Hungarians do not eat that much pizza!!! Is not weird, is just DIFFERENT. This article is just to fill a hole in the page. Junk.

  5. Must say Daily News Hungary what a brilliant capital city you have .I’ve been twice now seeing all the sights and venturing out into the country. Budapest is a fantastic place to visit .
    I’m much travelled and can say your citizens are very friendly in the city and in the rural areas that I’ve visited and can’t wait to do some more exploring this year 2020.
    PS. Your metro, tram/ bus system is first class and and more importantly a reasonable price for seeing the city and surrounding areas.

  6. My Canadian leader surprised when I put ketchup on my pizza (2019), he informed my colleagues of this unusual act through the announcer

  7. “Hungarians sit many hours in darkness, in an overheated office” – what? I lived in Hungary for 30 years and I have never seen or heard of that.

  8. An interesting read yet a tad dramatic. As a Brit, I don’t think it’s actually that much different from western culture like it would be in e.g.Asia. And so saying it “freaked me out” when I visited Hungary I think would be a bit over the top 🙂 Different, yes. Freaky, hmm… 🙂

  9. In 2002 when I was working in budapest its was the 6 dec it was St Nikolas day and I told them all the kids where I live received in school cookies..untill today I still rimember there face because cookies in hungarien slag language means the small penis of boys under 6 years old.

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