Why was this woman invited? ‘Stomach-churning’ – Reactions to the Hungarian President
Katalin Novák, President of the Republic of Hungary, attended a conference on women’s rights in Rwanda. Many disagreed with Novák’s invitation, and the Guardian gives a long list of what the Hungarian president did before taking to the stage to talk about women’s equality.
“We couldn’t understand why such a woman was invited,” Bruna Martinez, a Brazilian feminist activist who was in Rwanda when Katalin Novák took the stage at one of the world’s largest conferences on gender equality, sexual consent and reproductive rights, told the Guardian.
Delphine O, French Special Envoy for the Generation Equality global initiative, wrote on Twitter: ‘Novak’s so-called “family-friendly” values are at odds with what the 6,000 feminists in the room stand for. “We fight for diversity, bodily autonomy, LGBTQ rights, comprehensive sexuality education and abortion rights”.
#WD2023 is an open platform to share ideas.
But so-called “pro-family” values are at odds with what the 6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ feminists in the room stand for.
We fight ✊🏾 for : ♀️ in all their #diversity, #bodily autonomy, #LGBTQ rights 🏳️🌈, comprehensive sexuality ed° and #abortionrights. https://t.co/vbt3h25k2i— Delphine O (@odelphine) July 18, 2023
Equality activist Beeirne Roose-Snyder said it was “stomach-churning” that Novák was also on stage, as she was “normalising rights-destroying actors”.
Even the President of the Women’s Rights Conference was discouraged by Novák’s invitation. She also stressed that Novák was not invited by the organisers but by the host country, Rwanda, hvg.hu points out.
The Guardian article describes Katalin Novák’s work in the field of Plitika at length.
- As Viktor Orbán’s Minister for Family Affairs, she played a key role in the implementation of the government’s pro-birth policy;
- stated that Hungarian women “cannot compete with men” and expect to earn the same;
- formerly head of the Political Network for Values, an international organisation campaigning against abortion and same-sex marriage.
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Im with Novak . There has to be a stand for hetrosexuality as lgbtq are abused trauma filled persons and giving up rights to our childrens bodies is ludicris and demonic to say the least and Africans feel the same . Kenya for sure . So keep up the gods work miss Novack .in jesus name may protec tion of the Hungarian people be forever. Matriarchy is first not men whos patriarchy has no respect for woman on any level . sad
It’s very funny to see all this “activists” losing their temper, going mad, just because another woman do not represent and do not agree with their agenda.
Congratulations President Novak, very well done.
I am against Novak. May Hungarian women be protected from people who use religion as an oppression tool against women. Depriving women´s rights to decide about their own body. Defining what type of love is allowed between adult persons. Spreading total utter lies about LGBTQ people and accusing all LGBTQ people of child abuse without even a hint of real evidence. Pure hypocrisy and total oppression of human rights by religious people. In the name of science may people learn more about diversity of life and learn to be tolerant of diversity in humanity.
Stomach-chutning? Really? What delicate dispositions these biddies have!
I will note that “Fabian” does not have a uterus and therefore cannot be pimped out by Novak to produce more Hungarians. Men should just sit down and shut up about rights of women.
If you don’t conform to the current prescribed groupthink, the “tolerant,” “inclusive” Left wants to basically un-person you. What a shocker!
Equality how can they claim they are fighting for women’s rights yet in physical sports men dressed as women can then compete against them, they have a weird perspective on the word equality and rights.
Agree with @michaelsteiner, not quite the wording. I enjoy hearing and reading opinions different from mine. Makes you think, any which way. And critical thinking is never a bad thing. So. Why would you shut people out?
Conversely, here is the perfect opportunity for Mrs. Novak to have 6000 people challenge her point of view!
Similar to CPAC, other “conferences” … Shutting out journalists, etc.. Polarization is counterproductive.
If you don´t conform to the current right wing policies and laws set by conservative politicians in their narrow minded groupthink, you´ll be fired, fined, teargassed or even jailed. That is a real shocker!
As i mentioned here before, in another article of HDN, unfortunately, the level of the commentaries is sometimes very low.
There are many people here that just pour their rage, and agress anyone that is not aligned with their agenda, nothing far from expected.
I just think that me and all men and women, have the right to speak, to opine, even over “woman’s rights”, or any other matter, since in respectfully way.
Women deserve all, i mean all, respect, care and protection, from the laws and from the men.
Women are the most precious and wonderful human beings that set foot on the face of Earth, all of her, deserve all of our respect and consideration.
Our mothers, sisters, daughters, wifes and any other, are especially beloved and protected by her fathers, brothers, sons and husbands.
Unfortunately not every men respect women as it should be, and because of that they must have all protection, there no problem about that.
Men that agress women do not deserve to be called “man”, but coward.
Also, not every women respect man, but that’s not the point.
Women deserve all good rights, and also have to be protected even from the “ones” that alledgely “fight” for their “rights”, that are indeed not about “rights”, but about sickness, a gross and sad exaggeration of the reality, and worse, with hidden interests and i heard that from a brave woman, not a man.
I wonder, every time i heard the gross shout of the “abbortists”, about the “rights” of the women, if any of them, at any time, have said this for a women of an impoverished country, as i know, (believe, i know), that are struggling to give a small portion of food to her children, to keep them alive, instead of simply kill them, so, one woman, a mother, fights for the life of their children, while others want to kill them.
There are no difference between abbortion and mass murder, even so that many girls are killed before born, as as boys.
I love each women of my life, and i happily would give my life to defend each one of them, my most beloved ones, as any honored men would do it.
As my little detractor, said, i don’t have uterus, and should’t have indeed, but i have a brain, and a heart, differently from my little detractor, that have none of these, and neither the understanding about.
All my respect and consideration to Ms. Novak, the hungarian president, my beloved nation, i feel ashamed of the disrespectful statements of some people here, let their words here be the register of their infamy.