Winter and snow have arrived in Hungary – PHOTOS, VIDEO

The weather in Hungary this autumn seems to be quite unusual. Just a couple of weeks ago, it was still over 20 °C. Moreover, for a few days, it even reached as high as 27 °C in Budapest, for example.

Furthermore, we just reported that intense warming is forecasted from the middle of next week in Hungary. Due to the warming, the daily average temperature can rise to over 20 °C again.

Despite these seemingly unusual warm periods, it seems like winter arrived in Hungary between two weeks of warm weather.

Several sources, including the Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ) and Időkép, reported snowfall on Sunday and last night.

Időkép posted an article about the late-night snowfall at Bánkút yesterday evening. In their article, they said that about 10 centimetres of snow fell on October 13 in Bánkút.

Furthermore, they estimated that the snowfall might continue all night, leaving 20 centimetres of snow behind by the morning.

Undoubtedly, it is quite unusual for winter to arrive so soon, and many people have taken the opportunity to take pictures and play in the snow.

Fehér Sas guesthouse, as well as Időkép, have shared photos of the phenomenon on social media. Meanwhile, Index shared videos on their site.

Additionally, OMSZ said that thick layers of snow cover several high peaks of the North Hungarian Mountains.

Altogether, it is estimated that there could be 20-25 centimetres of snow in the Bükk Mountains, while in some areas, it could potentially reach 30 centimetres. Moreover, approximately 4 centimetres of snow cover the Mátra as well.


The Hungarian Meteorological Service posted an explanation of the phenomenon on their Facebook page. In short, cold air coming from the north and northeast caused the snowfall. Due to the inflow of cold air, the high precipitation of the area turned into snow instead of rain.

Furthermore, the service also highlighted the message of Bánkúti Turistaház’s (Bánkút Tourist House) team. They called people’s attention to the dangers of walking in the woods in the area right now.

The snow is wet and came early, so most trees have not yet lost their leaves. Therefore, branches have a high risk of breaking off and falling on people, causing injury or even death.

In fact, the wet snow caused damages to the power grid, and it is unknown when the damage will be repaired, they said.

Budapest winter
Read alsoWinter is coming this week with snow and icy rain!


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