Winter is here: heavy snowing hit Hungary, some parts already covered – PHOTOS, UPDATED
Winter has unquestionably arrived in Hungary this weekend. The temperature is low, but the strong winds make you feel even colder provided you are outside. Furthermore, snow is also here, some Hungarian regions are already covered in a thick white layer.
According to, snowfall and flurry started in Western Hungary today, but it is moving towards the East. The snow is accompanied by strong winds, especially in Budapest.
Multiple settlements in Vas County were covered in snow by this morning. It is expected to snow in many parts of the country today. Flurries took place in the Western regions of Hungary. However, since temperatures are not below the freezing point, the snow will soon melt. Among the settlements dressed in the snow, there are the Kőszegi Mountains, Rábahídvég, Szentgotthárd and Szombathely. Here is a video from Szombathely taken this morning:
Here are the images from three web cameras from Szombathely, Őriszentpéter, and Torony:
Of course, in most of the hills and mountains, the ground is covered in snow. Here are some photos from the Nagy Hideg-hegy in the Börzsöny, 100 km away from Budapest:
Snow appeared also on Kékestető, Hungary’s highest peak:
According to the Hungarian Meteorological Services, an even colder air mass will arrive in Hungary from the North. They said snow may not melt in a wide zone running between Miskolc and Szeged. Here is their relevant map:
UPDATE (26 November): Snow arrived in Central Hungary
According to, snow arrived in Central Hungary yesterday evening. For example, in Cegléd, a town close to Budapest, a 1-2 cm layer remained during the night. Concerning next week’s weather, everybody should prepare for cold, windy and rainy/snowy days. The temperature will be below 0 degrees at night and slightly above the freezing point during the day. Here are some photos:
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1 Comment
People should be comforted that there be sufficient oil/gas to last through the winter. The Russian oil/gas supply agreement is paying off.
Well done FIDESZ.