23-hour marathon: Get half-price tickets for the World Athletics Championships Budapest!

Tickets are on sale for 23 hours on Friday for the World Athletics Championships in Budapest. The sporting event starts on Saturday.

Ticket marathon for the World Athletics Championships

So far, more than 300,000 tickets have been sold and spectators from 106 countries are expected to attend the world’s third biggest sporting event, Index reports.

Balázs Németh, CEO of Budapest 2023 Non-profit Plc., the organiser of the Championships, announced on Thursday evening that from Friday midnight to 11 PM, tickets for the event will be available with a 50 percent discount for category 3 and 4 tickets, which are for the upper section of the stadium.

Tickets for the morning programme will cost a uniform price of HUF 2023 (EUR 5.27) during the promotion period.

Hungary’s biggest sporting event

“The World Athletics Championships are a sporting event of surprises and experiences, but also of gestures, and we have been organising them from the very beginning with the aim of ensuring that as many people as possible can see the wonder of the superhero fight and the programmes that make this nine-day sporting event an exciting and entertaining addition. These are the ideas behind the 23-hour ticket marathon: we encourage those who have not yet had the chance to do so to take advantage of this opportunity and join us at Hungary’s biggest sporting event ever!” Németh underscored.

During the marathon, tickets are available HERE by clicking on the Jegymaraton (ticket marathon) button.

The biggest sporting event in Hungary’s history, with the largest ever Hungarian team of 63, will be held at the National Athletics Centre from Saturday to next Sunday, with the street running and walking events taking place in Heroes’ Square, Index writes.


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