3D map of the underground world of Budapest – VIDEOS

After several years of research, the 3D interactive map of the underground world of Budapest has been done. Katalin Zsoldi, doctoral student at ELTE Cartography and Geoinformatics Department published, according to Falanszter blog, the 1:10 000 scale map, her huge accomplishment, “about the real situation of natural and man-made facilities in Budapest, their relationship and about the subsurface depth”, szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu wrote.

Falanszter blog provided the axonometric blueprints of the wine cellars of Attila Street and the former government shelter under the Buda Castle Quarter, built by governor Miklos Horthy.

A short video on the surface:

The Kobanya cellar system is more than 30km-long:

The world under Deak Square:

The nuclear bunker of Matyas Rakosi (former Communist leader) under Szabadsag Square:

Gellert Hill and everything below:

Pope John Paul II Square:

based on the article of szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu

Photo: II. Janos Pal papa ter es Keleti palyaudvar YouTube video

Copy editor: bm

Source: http://www.szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu

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