Election 2018 – Orbán: ‘we are not only electing a government and PM, but voting for a future’

Hungary’s future is at stake in the parliamentary election, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after he had cast his ballot in Budapest’s 12th district early on Sunday morning.

“We are not only electing parties, a government and a prime minister, but voting for a future, too,” Orbán said.

The prime minister, who was accompanied by Anikó Lévai, his wife, said that “this country has always stood up for itself when it was necessary, therefore we can trust its people and I will accept their decision”.

Orbán said he had cast both his votes for Fidesz as “the only safe” choice and added that he would go on mobilising voters during the day.

Foreign reporters asked the prime minister several questions about the relationship between Hungary and the European Union, and Orbán answered that “the government represents Hungary’s interests because we love our country and we are fighting for its future”. He also added that the EU does not mean Brussels but all national capitals together.

featured image: MTI

Source: MTI

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