SURVEY – Majority of Hungarians optimistic about Hungary’s future

Fully 53 percent of Hungarians think the country’s economic and general situation will improve in the next four years, while 31 and 32 percent of respondents expect them to deteriorate, respectively, a new survey by the Nézőpont Institute shows.
Over 90 percent of supporters of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance were optimistic about the country’s future development. Of radical nationalist Jobbik’s voters, 20 percent trust that the country’s general situation will improve and 29 percent expect the economy to do so.
Among leftist voters, optimists acocunt for 24 and 28 percent, respectively, the survey showed.
Fully 80 percent of respondents expect progress in the country’s fight against the mandatory resettlement quota for asylum seekers,
75 percent think family allowances will be expanded, 72 percent hope for progress in protecting the country’s sovereignty, 71 percent in governmental stability and 64 percent in financial and economic stability, the pollster said.
The survey was conducted between April 14 and 23 over the phone, on a representative sample of 1,000 adults.
Source: MTI