Hungarian job market misses 30-40 thousand computer engineers

As we reported, there were 22,000 open jobs in the Hungarian IT sector in 2016. The situation worsened a lot since then. Some CEOs told the ICT Association of Hungary that they even had to withdraw from contracts and agreements because of the lack of workforce. Thus, the trend turned over: it is not the companies that choose their employees, but computer engineers choose where they want to work – reported

SME sector in trouble

The ICT Association of Hungary (IVSZ) researched the lack of workforce in the Hungarian IT sector. They talked with 136 CEOs of IT companies about the challenges caused by labour shortage they had to face in the first half of 2018.

One of the CEOs said that they had to withdraw from contracts and one of their important projects almost failed because other companies enticed some of their key staff members with higher wages.

According to their answers, labour shortage

threatens mostly the small enterprises.

Skyrocketing wages

This is because wages increase astonishingly. Today the monthly gross salary of junior developers is 400-600 thousand HUF (EUR 1,300-2,000) while seniors can get even 1.5 million HUF (EUR 5,000) for their work. In comparison, the average gross salary in Hungary is less than 1,000 EUR, at the moment. Only multinational companies can pay such high salaries without any problem because clients do not want to pay more for the service. However, without higher fees, thicker paychecks are unimaginable in case of the SME sector.

Enterprises have to deal with not only recruiting new workforce but also with maintaining their employees. Fluctuation is huge because

there are new opportunities almost everywhere.

One of the CEOs said that today maintaining workforce is more important than recruiting. However, most businesses still concentrate on the latter – he added. Another CEO said that while the American Y-Z generation (25-40-year-olds) spends an average of 2.6 years in a workplace, even huge companies in Hungary regard it as a success if one of their engineers works for them for 8-10 months.

In consequence, some CEOs do not discipline their employees because

they are afraid of losing them.

Businesses have not adapted yet

Thus, the prior trend turned over: it is not the companies that choose their employees, but computer engineers choose the companies they want to work for. However, companies could not yet adapt to this new rule – says Barbara Fazekas, Board Member of the IVSZ and co-founder of Green Fox Academy. They offer the same package as years ago, but employees refuse to accept it – she added. For them

not only high salaries are important

but also a friendly and inspirational working environment, home office and the possibility to develop. Thus, IVSZ is going to create a detailed program package for companies in autumn – according to Fazekas.

Furthermore, it is a huge problem that even computer engineer

graduates have to learn for months or even a year

until they can work alone because their knowledge does not meet the requirements. Thus, most companies took teaching into their own hands providing scholarships, offering courses and financing academies. However, this is not a solution for small companies lacking both money and workforce for internal training.

In fact, there are problems even with senior computer engineers. For example, most CEOs complain that they lack leadership skills and thus; it is hard to find somebody who can work entirely alone even for management salaries.

Labour shortage everywhere

As we already reported, Hungary struggles hard with

labour shortage which affects almost every sector of the economy.

In fact, the most problematic areas are public transport and service, tourism and IT. However, the issue also affects the public sector greatly. To make matters worse, even the lack of doctors and nurses is getting worse. The reason is simple: low wages and bad working conditions.

Thus, many people already left Hungary and moved to a Western-European country. In fact,

6 pc of the people born in Hungary already live abroad,

but Hungary misses badly these professionals.



  1. Lord Jacob Rothschild of the famous – or should we say hate? – banking family, warns that the worldwide economic and geopolitical system that was built after WW II is in danger. Wherever the world powers cooperated in 2008 to deal with the financial crisis, this cooperation is much more difficult 10 years later. Rothsshild sees the trade war between the US and China, and the crisis in the eurozone – seen as a crisis anywhere in the world, except in the EU – as the most acute problems threatening the stability of the economic order. In 2014 Lord Rothschild called the ‘geopolitical situation the most dangerous since WW II and in 2015 he warned against the consequences of which is undoubtedly the largest experiment in monetary policy in world history. A year ago, he expressed his deep concern about the unprecedented increase in share prices, while economic growth is weakening almost everywhere or is nil. Later Rothschild said that this period of monetary policy (‘quantitative easing’ = the creation of hundreds of billions of dollars and euros from scratch) is coming to an end, partly because the geopolitical tensions in the world continue to rise and become increasingly difficult to be solved. And of course, the NWO key figure also called the spreading ‘populism’ one of the causes – which is nothing else than that nations start to revolt against this elite, and against their open borders, prosperity and culture degradation, and superstates. with forced ‘diversity’ and Islamization. These tensions are largely caused by the EU and eurozone, where the debt level has risen to potentially devastating levels. But do not think that you only read one serious warning about this in the regular European media. Everyone, including journalists and even politicians, seem to believe that you can continue to ‘print’ unlimited money, which also almost exclusively benefits a small elite club. The commentary on Rothschild’s latest warning is not tender, because if one of the people who profited profusely from the world order after the war warns us that this order is on its last legs, it may be time to worry, says Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge). And indeed, the Rothschilds have significantly reduced their risky positions, a sign that they expect the markets to be over their top. The worldwide rapid growth of ‘populism’ shows that many people feel that the ‘New World Order’ of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Clintons, Obama’s, the American MIC (military industrial complex) cannot quickly end. Signs of a faltering NWO and new financial crisis are enough, such as the sharp decline of the Turkish lira (35% in one year, even faster than the fall of the Argentine peso), which despite ‘reassurances’ of dictator Erdogan that they may have than dollars, but we have Allah, now has global consequences. Financial markets are afraid that Europe, which has major interests in Turkey, will be lit. It looks like a complete crash (of the lira), so they have to do something now. The lira will continue to fall if they do not rise interest rates today, an analyst explained. And otherwise Erdogan can always start one of his already so often announced imperialist Islamic wars against Greece, Cyprus, Israel and / or Egypt, or start the restoration of the Ottoman Empire by a military attack on the Balkans. In this respect, too, his rise, rhetoric and totalitarian power resemble as two drops of water of another dictator in the 1930’s. We all know how that has ended and that threatens to happen again.

  2. I am an American computer programmer that is interested in someday moving to Hungary. A country that values its culture and protects its border and enjoys a flat-low income tax sounds amazing. Looking into learning more about your culture and language. I hope citizens there realize how bad things can get when borders are wide open. Crime where I live is a constant problem.

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