Hungarian Defence Force receives major recognition from NATO

Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Tod D. Wolters, certified Hungarian troops’ readiness for potential NATO duties after accepting a recommendation from the Commander of NATO’s Allied Land Command, Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr.

According to one of NATO’s subdivisions who have reported this news, the Hungarian Defence Force has responded accordingly to the threat posed by Russia’s attack on Ukraine in the past few days.

The website of the Hungarian Defence Force reports that Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr. has visited the Hungarian military force between the 21st and 22nd of February and met with Lieutenant Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, the Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

Following that, Cloutier visited the station of NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU HUN) in Székesfehérvár and the Headquarters of the Multinational Corps Northeast (HQ-MNDC).

While visiting and reviewing the Hungarian Defence Forces, the Lieutenant General also paid a visit to the 25th Infantry Brigade “György Klapka” which gained experience in Afghanistan and is commandeering some of Hungary’s latest armoured vehicle and tank assets.

Magyarnemzet writes that after the report of the Commander of NATO’s Allied Land Command, Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr., the decision was made by Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Tod D. Wolters, who then certified Hungarian troops for their readiness, comradery and hard work.

Shape reported and quoted Lieutenant General Cloutier saying:

“I am supremely confident in their ability to answer the call and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their NATO brothers and sisters. I have visited several countries along NATO’s eastern border over the past few weeks, and I am proud of the solidarity and commitment of all our allies during this time of heightened Russian aggression. Our land forces have never been stronger, more adaptable and more lethal in response to outside threats”.

Since Russia’s somewhat unexpected attack on Ukraine, the eastern flank of NATO has experienced a small instability, but thanks to the rapid response of the Hungarian Defence Forces and the offer of Hungary’s military to provide battlegroup support for further enhancements of NATO readiness and to provide heightened air policing with the force’s JAS-39 Gripen fighter aircrafts, that instability has been mitigated.

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