NANA’S for children – Hungarian fashion brand for a good cause

Fortunately, many think of fashion nowadays as a platform of artistic self-expression. It comes to fruition both on the part of the designers dreaming creations and all the people wearing them.  However, sometimes it is difficult to avoid to examine fashion from an economic point of view, to look at it as a business, and, unfortunately, it has become usual to describe it as a superficial industry that is dazzlingly shining outside, but empty in the inside. Nati Drencseva, founder of the brand NANA’S would like to defy these stereotypes and stand up for a good cause, reports

“There are relatively few brands on the market that would use that large amount of power represented by them for charitable reasons specially. I would like NANA’S to be different. I would like to create a community where customers not only come for formalities. I would like to give them values which one can easily identify themselves with, and make them feel like they have done something good.”


After years of blogging, Nati decided to start her own fashion brand which she successfully made, not only well-known, but acknowledged, as well, in two years. Now she felt that it was time to use this success and reputation to raise awareness about the work of organisations dealing with problems that should be highlighted for all of us. Therefore, she would like to show the fall/winter collection of NANA’S within a charity gala on the 3rd November, and offer all the income to the Bókay Child Clinic.

We hope that we will witness and be part of more similar initiatives, since we should all aim for not only dreaming of a better world but taking action to achieve it, day by day.

Join the event here.

Photo: Nana’s

Copy editor: bm


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