Bizarre incident: US tourist threw himself into the Danube from a tour boat in Budapest

On Monday evening, an American citizen jumped into the Danube and vanished without a trace in Budapest. The baffling incident was reported by a relative. The police issued an APB and have been looking for the missing person ever since. reported that an American citizen jumped into the Danube from a tourist boat on Monday evening in Hungary. One of the man’s relatives reported that they took notice that someone was missing from the party during dinner.
Without without a single word or explanation, the young man went to the boat’s window and threw himself into the Danube. According to his relative, the man has not been found since. The police were informed and have been searching for him, without any success so far.
The missing man’s name is Hardit Singh, he is about 190 centimetres (6’2″ Ft) tall, has a tattoo and was wearing a green jacket on the day of his disappearance, which his relative shared a photo of. The man is already listed as a missing person on the website of the authorities, and a wanted notice has been issued by the District VII police station in Budapest.
Twitter and Reddit pages have been set up to find the man.
@MurphyPeterN @erdelyipe @jspikebudapest @lilirutai
— kiran (@harkirancar) May 23, 2023
Nothing like the selfish act of ruining an expensive trip for his family & everyone else. Suicide is such a hurtful act and so often done without regard for all the people who will suffer PTSD as a result of searching for a body, finding it all bloated & discoloured & sometimes chewed on, having to identify….And forever the family will be tainted by such an act. As a guest in another country, a second layer of nasty is added.
For anyone with mental health problems please consider that things change, there is help, there are people who will support your journey if you share with those who have training in the areas that are challenges for you. And if the issue is that no one understands you…that is often true but not t he end of the world. That is a common feeling, just like almost every kid at some point in t heir life being certain that they are living with the wrong family….not a phenonium at all. A phase of growing independent.
i.kate -written with COMPASSION.
Decades on and on – the mental health issue we ALL live with and around us – in our daily lives, differences of “Learned” opinions in dealing with this illness, my attitude approach is such.
What’s it’s COST to us – in circumstances – that we evaluate being of concern to SIMPLE ask the question;
“Are you alright.”
Compassion, Concern – not in peoples face nor invading there PRIVACY but basic Compassion & Concern for Others.
Those who are or have experienced what is Medically titled having an illness under Mental Health issues – they have there REASONS for going to that PLACE in there Lives – there REASONS.
Compassion – the starting point – what’s it’s COST to us ???
My 28 year old son Hardit along with his cousins and friends went on the 10pm cruise on may 22 on LUDWIG of the RUBIN company.
There was no announcements or warnings of the dangerous water currents of the Danube, or of safety protocols in an emergency. The drinks included in the excursion got him intoxicated and in a dare challenge with his companions he jumped into the water at 11.12 pm. The crew didn’t try to rescue him at all. It has been four days and he hasn’t been found and presumed drowned.
He was an avid swimmer, but the water currents of the Danube are very strong around 15km/hour.
Many accidents have happened on these cruises, that is why it is important for these boats to warn the guests and be very responsive in rescue if an incident happens.
If anyone was on that cruise and made video of my son in water please contact me baljit singh pelia on Facebook or 1-562-577-2077 WhatsApp.
I kate seems not to understand a person with mental health issues does not think of such trivial things as “expensive cost of a trip” rather they are caught up in their own world of perceived problems. It takes a lot of desperation,of helplessness, of seemingly no way forward.. no future for a person to take their own life but you know sometimes it takes a lot of courage for a person to take those last few steps to end their lives. Maybe they would not be mourned or missed by family, maybe the family will feel a sense of relief that they are gone. “judge not and you shall not be judged”
A lot of people here with no knowledge beyond what they’ve read and their own prejudiced opinions seem very quick to write awful, descriptive things that may or may not be true for his poor family to read before he is found, much less an investigation completed.
Mr. Singh, it appears you have commented- I can’t imagine how hard this is for you and the rest of your family and Hardit’s friends. I wish you hope and strength in finding resolution. I am sorry more is not being done to help find whatever form closure takes.
Mr Singh, I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you. I agree, there have been no warnings or safety measures enforced on any of the boat excursions I have been on, here in Budapest. I feel there should be someone trained in rescue with life guard equipment on all boats especially those that provide alcohol. They definitely should announce how dangerous the river flow is regardless how it looks. Especially after the terrible disaster some years ago when a number of holidaymakers from Korea lost their lives in the Danube. Again, I am sorry and hope you receive news soon.
100% before these cruise ships take off, they must make safety announcement stating the danger of this water and sharing that accidents happen here so all passengers must stay cautious.
Regardless what Hardit did in that moment, this tragedy is on this cruise’s negligence. Budapest rescue team and all other people who are deployed there for these reasons. It is very easy for this country to invite tourists but they have to make safety arrangements too especially for water excursions.
My nephew was a successful individual with a great family support who was there with his friends like any other individual travelling. He did not deserve this. God bless him and we still have a hope that he is somewhere and we need help to find him.
The water of the river is very deceptive at night. It looks as if it is still in the shimmering lights. But the crew & captain knew of the danger. The Ludwig boat has an inflatable & buoy in the aft. All he had to do was toss the buoy and let the boat drift with the current till my son was rescued. Instead he kept going to the pier and docked as if nothing happened.
You are all being presumptuous. I know for certain that he did not try to commit suicide but jumped in on a dare, unaware of how dangerous the river is. He was traveling with friends of my family. Try to be more sensitive and gather facts before you spout off.
I am so angry
As a boat captain, it is your DUTY to protect your passengers
To know there WERE safety protocol and floatation devices on the boat, and yet the BOAT CAPTAIN refused to do ANYTHING, just shows how DISGUSTING and VILE this evil piece of moldy crap this guy is.
He doesn’t give a rats ass, but I hope everything haunts him and he hears the cries and pain from the individual lost + his family and friends.
I hope a wrongful death lawsuit will be filed
I heard his body was found. I am deeply sorry for your loss
on behave of all the members that work with Hardit Singh all this yrs, we all have him in our prayers for a positive outcome
and to say a bit in how he proform at work like sometimes a silly & smart individual & i”m going to say that if i am not wrong on 5/17/23 i asked him for help with the ipad that i was using that day at work he laughed and said i”ll help you later because he was busy fixing my boss computer he loved sports he would invite everyone in the company to join in the rafffle if that,s what,s it call
and if he jump as dare i am so sure that he wasnt aware of the danger of the waters,
could have been as everyone is saying they were drinking alcohol maybe the alcohol pump- him up to jump becuase of the dare please to who is assuming he was depressed you didn”t know him so please dont judge
the people that know Hardit Singh it hurts us to have to read ugly comments of him & please consider his parents & family members have some compassion
please i am begging everyone for prayers for a positive outcome
I am so sorry for the loss of his family and friends, I hope they will manage to get through this.
However terrible this accident is, and however traumatic it must be for the people he travelled with please do not diminish the responsibility that the victim had.
He was not forced to jump and the cruise should not be held responsible for the amount he decided to drink. People should be thought to think for themselves. Unfortunately the friends have more responsibility in the incident than the staff, sometimes playing around can cause such things to happen.
Never jump off of boats that do not advertise themselves as a tour with swimming/bathing.
I know it is different in the United states, but microwaves should not be expected to have a “do not dry your cat in it” sign on it just the same as RedBull should not be expected to tell people that their product don’t actually give them wings. Think for yourselves people.
Although it is true that after the crew was told it should have been a number one priority. Still, important to note that we will never know how fast his friends let the staff, police, ect know.
God bless his soul.
Agreed, the fault should be first placed on the individual, then the friends, and lastly the cruise.
My heart goes out to the deceased and his family, but please watch the video in the link below. His friends take a video of him jumping, sit down, then ask “are we going in on this?”
Who knows how long they hung around before contacting the crew, then the authorities? It is a very sad situation and even sadder that the friends/cousins chose to blame others rather than take responsibility for their foolish actions.
We shall only form opinions about what we have information about.
“I have never seen him angry in my life. Never”?? Not even, when soldiers tore off a cable car with a fighter jet for fun? Not even, when they shoot a commercial aircraft with passangers? Not even, when soviet agents poisoned a family in Scotland? Not even, when a fallen president infuriated the mob to hang the vice president? Not even, when children were deportated?
How much I nauseate… these kind of people, who avert their eyes when other people die. He was not the only one who died.
The victim was likely expecting his cousins and friend to act immediately but they did not, based on the candor of the video. It takes time to steer a ship that large off course if the captain was not alerted in one or two minutes time.
Please do not blame business owners in our rigorous economy. They cannot be liable for this level of irresponsibility.
If someone was on boat with them please use this chance to confirm
The crew knew in five seconds and witnessed him surfacing and swimming in the water. How long it took to let the captain know only they know. The boat is small, takes about thirty seconds to go from end to end.
Anonymous were you on the boat?