VIDEO, PHOTOS: Anti-government demonstration: Budapest downtown full of protesters

Péter Magyar announced another demonstration for Saturday afternoon. This is the third demonstration by Judit Varga’s ex-husband since 15 March.

The last spontaneous demonstration was on 26 March, after he released an audio recording in which the former justice minister claimed that Rogán Antal and his colleagues had tampered with the investigation files in a corruption case involving Fidesz politicians.

péter magyar demonstration budapest2
PrtSc: YouTube/Telex

Péter Magyar announced the name of his new association before the demonstration: “Be the Change! Association” is the name of the newest political association, Telex reports. Magyar has previously indicated that he expects provocateurs. He asked the participants of the demonstration to leave peacefully after the event.

Budapest downtown full of protesters

The marchers a bit before 3 PM:

As we reported earlier today, there are traffic restrictions due to the demonstration in downtown Budapest. More information HERE.

Péter Magyar announced a gathering on Deák Square at 1:30 PM, but the square was already full of people by that time. The crowd has marched to Kossuth Square, where the main part of the demonstration takes place. By 3 PM, the square was completely filled with people, Telex writes. Check out some photos of the crown in their article HERE!

Tens of thousands of people were waiting for the marchers on Kossuth Square, reports. In addition to the square, the surrounding streets are also crowded with people.

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  1. CHALLENGE – Victor Orban with Fact & Truth.
    The larger the numbers GROW which they WILL – in orderly OPPOSTION to the “Crazed” Political Ideology of Victor Orban – his relentless course and policies, to bring about the DISTALLATION of Democracy in Hungary, transferring, the manipulation process by use of propaganda, his total abandonment of Truth & Fact, speaking to ALL of Hungary “toned” in Candour, and underneath ALL his agenda, the building of deeper relationships with Russia & China that WILL result in being, to bring about, the abolishment of DEMOCRACY, that will factually result in being to the ABSOLUTE detriment for the FUTURE of Hungary.
    There is NO about face, no place for Orban to find a compromise the Depth, the humongous destruction broadsheet, that this current Prime Minister and his Fidesz / Government have inflicted, bought upon the citizens of Hungary, from “all stations in life” from cities, towns, villages and hamlets – across the breath & width of Hungary.
    Challenge him, fight him with all that is within you, for if we don’t in SOLIDARITY will result in our capitulation, through being sent to driven to a place of no return – that will be representative of no Hope nor a FUTURE.
    It will WORSEN, but OPPOSITION to Victor Orban, through growing numbers of citizens – HURLING at him – Facts & Truth, together in SOLIDARITY will GLOBALLY demoralize him, to a zenith place, that for him to remain Prime Minister, leader of the Fidesz Party, remain in the Political arena of Hungary, that will chasten, if not castigate him.
    TRUTH fellow Hungarians is like a Lion.
    We don’t have to Defend it, as it’s like a Lion, just let it be FREE – for it can and in the case of Hungary defend it-self.

  2. Useful idiots, allowing themselves to be manipulated by the globalist-socialist sleazeballs who do not care about them, about their children, or about Hungary and its future. They want to turn Hungary into a post-national, post-democratic province of the E.U., stripped of its history, culture, and values, whose citizens cower in fear before millions of illegal-alien invaders and feel like strangers on their own streets. The ordinary people’s quality of life would nosedive: The Left proposes to make it unaffordable to heat our homes, take a shower, drive a car, take a flight, or eat meat. No, thanks. Not for me. Not for us. These empty vessels can make whatever noise they want; the voters will ultimately decide.

  3. This e-paper is almost imposssible to read. Ads popping up constantly, covering up areas and distracting the eye. The loading of any photos etc take forever. Paragraphs split up by ads. Can barely stand to read 2 articles B4 just loging off.

    BE THE CHANGE….so outdated and not Magyar sentiment as far as I know. They must be getting this shit from the US, a country now down the drain, lost forever from its past where individuals arrived with dreams, then fulfilled them. Now, men murdering women, women murdering or neglecting their children. Addicts the scourge of family unit, society in general turning every park and street into one big toilet. I see the same thing in the UK. Be the change became the weapon and now ideologies that harm women and girls has the power. Shameful that real Brits were not working hard enough to keep posetions of their own properties and businesses to block such invaders with their off shore money and connections to destroy culture. Hungary must be stronger than what they see in too many countries. Easy to walk the streets but does each citizen pay attention to invading ideology and not repeat it in their talk and actions? Stay strong against those who want crazy new ideas and influences to brainwash everyone, especialy the dumb overeducated non employed. They have too much time to walk and talk and turn soft minds away from reality and truth.

  4. Meg ne’ztem a to”bi UT vidiokat. La’tom hogy demokra’cio Magyarorsza’gba lehet ne’pnek o”szejo”nni zene’t halgatni, panaszkoda’st halgatni idegenyekto”l. Menyibe keru”lt ez a nap? Nem let volna jobb enyi pe’nzt sze’t osztani iskola’k vagy korha’zok ko”zo”t? A nem re’gi szavaza’s allat meg mondta a Magyar hogy biz Orba’nba, saja’t maga’ba. Jo”vo”be is fognak va’lasztani. Nem fog senki puska’t a ha’tamo”go”t. De kinti ne’p aszt akarna’ el mese’lni. Nem igaz?

    Mert ha a ne’p el hiszi hogy nagyon rosz az e’lete e’s nagyon lefogyik a szege’szse’g miat majd aka’r mit el fognak fogadni. Me’g ugy ne’z ki hogy nem csak jol esznek, sokat isznak, van sok alkalom pihenni, va’ndorolni e’s va’sa’rolni. Nem bisztos hogy idegenyek aszt fogja’k meg ve’detni. Aki ad pe’nzt minde’g va’r valamit visza. To”bet mint amit ad. Mert mindenki maga’rol gondolkodik elo”szo”r.

  5. Lots of negativity from Michael and Ilona, but zero facts and sources to back up their clains. Of course, it’s fine to have opinions, but such strong sentiments should have something to lean on to.

    “Usefull idiots. Allowing themselves to be manipulated…”
    Are you sure you haven’t been manipulated to present such strong claims without any sources and facts?

    .”..ideologies that harm the women and girls has the power…”
    Now Iloba, what ideologies might those be? Conservative religious ideology, maybe? Btw. In the USA, also before now, men used to murder women, and women used to neglect children (and murder men).

    The true danger lies in the growth of extreme right-wing policies where there is only one truth without any evidence. Hungary has to be stronger and reject authoritarian policies. High education plays a key role. The more highly educated citizens are, the less chance authoritarian rulers have to gain power.

  6. This is nice to see after the 100% fidesz propaganda pushed on every internet ad every day for years and can’t shut it off like North korean radio

  7. I would love to meet Michael Steiner and explain what an complete idiot he really is. Frankly, I think he is a paid troll. There is no future for Orban, Putin, Jinping. All of these regimes are parasites on free market economy/democratic societies of the west.
    I have his nonsense coments many times before on Daily News Hungary. Michael, if I ever meet you, we are going to have a long talk.

  8. So my statement is waiting for moderation? I wonder if Daily News Hungary actually fact checks the foundationally inaccurate information from the pro Fidesz statements made here.. I have seen many of my statements taken down, “with the comment, it looks like you have said this before”
    Yet, Ihave seen many of the frequent commenters state complete misinformation that is typical of Fidesz supporters and, their statements are allowed to post.
    Daily News Hungary, as well as the Orban government are both numbered.

  9. Bernard, I agree with you but I really do not think that such trolls are worth your time and effort. Cheers.

  10. @bernard – the “it looks like” statement comes up if you click, quickly, and to be honest the “moderation” does not include any fact checking. At least they are allowing posting and to be honest – grateful to be able to read posts, even the ones I do not agree with.

    I generally counter with facts, data, and sources. The latter is pretty rare in some circles, preferring just amplify messages and drown out others with a wall of random noise. However … Facts and data do not lie – they paint a pretty accurate picture!

    Let’s be blatantly honest: do our Politicians and their family, friends, and toadies care about Hungarian citizens – or are they more obsessed with power and money? #askingforafriend

  11. No change from outside can ever jeopardise the survival of a rotten regime like the change from within. What makes Magyar’s political agenda truly dangerous for the orbanistic gang on power is that this time the opposition comes from the very core of regime. Magyar really does have a chance, nobody knows the future of course, but for the first time in almost 15 years there finally seems to be a credible alternative to Orbán

  12. Dear Hungarians,

    The protection from the crazy Left in the West that Fidesz and Orbán is providing is priceless. If you vote in these Leftist crazies, you will watch your world collapse. Education dumbed down, weird sexual deviants rampant, family devalued, massive immigration and evil people in control.

    Just see what is happening in the West.

    Be safe.

  13. There are politicians who get into the pig trough for the honorable reasons, they care about their neighbours etc. Unfortunately once they are members of the club, they have all that money at their fingertips and so many relatives and freinds who want good jobs, they all become the same. Promises forgotten, power is sublime and corrupts. The choice is always for the people to try to find that person who has already proven to be a good leader. Good ideas or values are not enough it no one follows. I don’t know which party is best for Hungary, but always suspect when outside money does the talking.
    And yes, there has always been terrible acts between people withing society but not on a daily basis like now. For instance, when Polk County did a few week investigation recently and arrested such a large number of men going to have sex with children in an educated country like the US in such a short period of time, just in one town of FL….does Hungary want to follow such paths? When the rep who was the face of Subway was being investigated they found a huge network of pedophiles that he was personally close to…..again, how many wealthy people are targeting children? And politicians are doing little to make changes cus there is always ‘benefits’ for closing one’s eyes. So, just saying, be careful who gets power in Hungary. Might be no better than what you are all unhappy about now.

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